AIDAinformazioni Anno 42 – N. 3-4 – luglio-dicembre 2024
Editrice: Cacucci Editore S.a.s.
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Proprietario della rivista:
Università della Calabria
Direttore Scientico:
Roberto Guarasci, Università della Calabria
Direttore Responsabile:
Fabrizia Flavia Sernia
Comitato scientico:
Anna Rovella, Università della Calabria;
Maria Guercio, Sapienza Università di Roma;
Giovanni Adamo, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche †;
Claudio Gnoli, Università degli Studi di Pavia;
Ferruccio Diozzi, Centro Italiano Ricerche Aerospaziali;
Gino Roncaglia, Università della Tuscia;
Laurence Favier, Université Charles-de-Gaulle Lille 3;
Madjid Ihadjadene, Université Vincennes-Saint-Dénis Paris 8;
Maria Mirabelli, Università della Calabria;
Agustín Vivas Moreno, Universidad de Extremadura;
Douglas Tudhope, University of South Wales;
Christian Galinski, International Information Centre for Terminology;
Béatrice Daille, Université de Nantes;
Alexander Murzaku, College of Saint Elizabeth, USA;
Federico Valacchi, Università di Macerata.
Comitato di redazione:
Antonietta Folino, Università della Calabria;
Erika Pasceri, Università della Calabria;
Maria Taverniti, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche;
Maria Teresa Chiaravalloti, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche;
Assunta Caruso, Università della Calabria;
Claudia Lanza, Università della Calabria.
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Valeria Rovella, Università della Calabria
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Fondata nel 1983 da Paolo Bisogno
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Anno 42
N. 3-4 – luglio-dicembre 2024
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A A, Il nuovo regolamento eIDAS e alcune “quisquilie
archivistiche 9
F B, MT, Exploration du réseau numérique
YouTube autour de la santé des militaires: quelles sont les thématiques des
discours, les sources d’informations et les acteurs de la communication? 29
E C, L F, Assisted morbidity coding: the
SISCO.web use case for identifying the main diagnosis in Hospital
Discharge Records 51
V F, A humanistic approach to datafication 79
R P, Testimonianze di un impegno culturale per
l’Università di Salerno. Le carte di Alfonso Menna 101
F S, A B, E G,
S M, CompL-it: a Computational Lexicon of Italian 119
C G, Non solo libri 151
ISSN 1121–0095
ISBN 979-12-5965-456-4
DOI 10.57574/596545646
pag. 119-148 (luglio-dicembre 2024)
CompL-it: a Computational Lexicon of Italian
Flavia Sciolette, Andrea Bellandi, Emiliano Giovannetti, Simone Marchi
Abstract: This paper describes CompL-it, a new open computational lexicon for contem-
porary Italian. The resource was constructed from three sources: an already available Italian
lexicon, a lemmatized list of inflected forms obtained from a morphological analyser, and a set
of treebanks. Integrating these resources required a standardisation process in accordance with
the standards of the Linguistic Linked Open Data community, which was necessary for the
subsequent conversion into the OntoLex-Lemon model. The resulting computational lexicon
comprises approximately 100,000 lexical entries, 790,000 forms, 57,000 senses, and 86,000
semantic relations. The lexicon, thanks to its rich and articulated linguistic structure, can be
used, as shown, to enhance information retrieval in the context of full-text search tasks.
Keywords: Computational Lexicon, Linguistic Resources, Linguistic Linked Open Data, On-
toLex-Lemon, Information Retrieval.
1. Introduction
While a significant number of digital lexical resources are available for many
languages (such as various multilingual WordNets) (Princeton University n.d.;
MultiWordNet n.d.; Global WordNet Association n.d.), only a few integrate
different layers of linguistic information, such as morphology, semantics, and
syntax. This is not surprising, as the construction of a computational lexicon
that conveys linguistic information across different layers can be an extremely
time-consuming task that requires advanced linguistic expertise.
CNR-Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale (ILC) “A. Zampolli”, Pisa, Italy. flavia.scio-;;; simone.marchi@
In this context, a computational lexicon can be defined as a resource that contains in-
formation about words, their meanings, and linguistic properties, designed to be used by
computer systems for tasks like natural language processing (NLP), machine translation, or
text analysis. It typically includes details such as word categories (e.g., noun, verb), syntactic
information, and semantic relationships.
120 Flavia Sciolette, Andrea Bellandi, Emiliano Giovannetti, Simone Marchi
On the other hand, the need for resources of this kind is long-standing.
Italian linguistics, for example, has always shown an interest for lexical data
(Sabatini 2006), which has been encouraged by the increasing availability of
many corpus-based resources. As documented in Chiari (2012) many projects
involving corpora (monolingual, parallel, domain-specific) have flourished
and both digitised traditional dictionaries and computational dictionaries
have taken advantage of them, for example to calculate the frequency of words
or to increase their lexical coverage (for example by adding neologisms). In
terms of exploitation, a number of applications are meant to take advantage of
lexical resources, such as sentiment analysis (Prakash and Aloysius 2021), and
«semantic role labelling, verb sense disambiguation, and ontology mapping»
(Brown et al. 2022, 2).
In the context of archival science and document management, the availabi-
lity of linguistic resources to support the organisation and retrieval of informa-
tion has been considered crucial for many years (Chen et al. 1995; Smith 1997;
Thompson et al. 2011). In these fields, the development of computational
lexicons can provide a fundamental contribution to the community, expan-
ding the potential for knowledge analysis and management. It is believed that
a resource capable of formalising a languages lexical and semantic structures
in a complex way can improve the efficiency of archiving, classification, and
information retrieval activities, within a document management paradigm in-
creasingly supported by IT tools (Bamman and Crane 2010; Hmeidi et al.
2016; Passarotti and Mambrini 2021). The creation of increasingly efficient
tools for automating archival and document practices can greatly simplify the
management of large volumes of unstructured data, enhancing precision in
indexing and retrieving information. Furthermore, a computational lexicon
can serve as a key linguistic resource for building Knowledge Organization Sy-
stems (KOSs), such as ontologies and thesauri, crucial elements for knowledge
organisation (Hodge 2000; Shiri 2015).
In this work, we illustrate CompL-it, an Italian computational lexicon
built by leveraging existing resources, whose data have been thoroughly an-
alysed, extracted, converted, and interconnected. CompL-it has been made
freely available as Linguistic Linked Open Data (LLOD) on the CLARIN
repository (CLARIN-IT n.d.a).
2. State of the art
In order to define the state of the art regarding computational lexical re-
sources for the Italian language we first conducted a search on the Virtual
Language Observatory (CLARIN VLO n.d.) (VLO) of the European infra-
structure CLARIN (Common Language Resources and Technology Infra-
structure). This database, which contains hundreds of thousands of references
CompL-it: a Computational Lexicon of Italian 121
to language resources and tools, was browsed using the available filters. In
particular, a search was carried out by type of resource, selecting lexicalRe-
source, and specifying the Italian language. In addition, from the obtained list
we excluded automatically produced resources (i.e, not revised by hand), lists
of idiomatic expressions, lists of terms with no linguistic information at all,
multilingual named entities, sets of embeddings, parallel corpora, metadata,
resources that only appear by virtue of some references to the Italian language
and, finally, all the resources whose data are not open and freely available.
Among this last type of resources, however, it is worth mentioning BabelNet
(Navigli and Ponzetto 2012; BabelNet n.d.), Senso Comune (Vetere et al.
2011), and Italian FrameNet (Basili et al. 2017), particularly for the richness
of data they offer.
The resources identified on CLARIN VLO that met the above criteria were
14, and can be classified into two categories: 11 lexical resources and 3 termi-
nological resources.
The available lexical resource that, for this work, has been taken as the
main reference (and used as one of the sources) is LexicO (Sciolette, Giovan-
netti, and Marchi 2023), a multi-layered computational lexicon developed at
CNR-ILC and built from Parole-Simple-Clips (PSC) (Bel et al. 2000; Ruimy
et al. 2002; ILC4CLARIN CNR 2016). More details on the nature of LexicO
will be provided later in section 3.1.
Another very rich lexical resource, also developed at CNR-ILC, is ItalWor-
dNet (Roventini et al. 2003), available as an SQL dump on the VLO in its se-
cond version (Roventini, Marinelli, and Bertagna 2016). The VLO also men-
tions MultiWordNet (Pianta, Bentivogli, and Girardi 2002; MultiWordNet
n.d.), realised as an extension of Princetons WordNet (Miller 1995; Princeton
University n.d.), and which also includes data for the Italian language. Multi-
lingual language resources include OmegaWiki (Meijssen 2014), an open and
collaborative resource whose aim is «to describe all words of all languages with
definitions in all languages» and includes lexical, terminological and ontologi-
cal information (WikiMedia 2022).
In addition to the resources listed so far, which are structured as lexicons,
other resources are available for Italian that convey individual layers of lin-
guistic information. Building on the aforementioned PSC and ItalWordNet,
a resource that provides semantic data called the Italian Sense Inventory was
created. This resource was developed within the ELEXIS project (ELEXIS
n.d.) to support Word Sense Disambiguation tasks.
On the VLO, there are also two resources developed by the same author
that complement each other: Italian Function Words (Grella 2018a) and Ital-
ian Content Words (Grella 2018b). The former, as the name suggests, contains
Italian function words and is designed to support tasks such as POS tagging
and syntactic parsing. The second constitutes a morphological dictionary of
122 Flavia Sciolette, Andrea Bellandi, Emiliano Giovannetti, Simone Marchi
over 2 million inflected forms that, however, includes hundreds of thousands
of forms that, although morphologically correct, are not represented in linguis-
tic usage. The last two lexical resources we include in this review are Universal
Derivations (Kyjánek et al. 2021) and Universal Segmentations (Žabokrtský
et al. 2022), both multilingual, in which about 10 thousand Italian lemmas
are linked to their respective segmentations, derived forms and compounds.
With regard to the three terminological resources identified in the VLO we
first mention Geodomain WordNet, a collection of geographical terms linked
to the English and Italian WordNets (Frontini, Del Gratta, and Monachini
2016). The other two resources, developed within the Pan-Latin Terminology
Network (Realiter n.d.), are the Pan-Latin Lexicon of Collars and Sleeves in
Fashion and Costume (Zanola et al. 2023) and the Pan-Latin Textile Fibres
Vocabulary (Dankova, Zanola, and Calvi 2022).
Although not available on CLARIN VLO, Morph-it! (Zanchetta and Ba-
roni 2005) is a freely accessible and rich morphological resource for Italian,
consisting of 504,906 inflected forms and 34,968 lemmas. However, as the
authors note (Morph-it! 2018), because it is derived from an Italian newspaper
corpus, the resource has «many gaps in basic, every-day vocabulary».
Another interesting resource worth mentioning is SimpleLEX-IT, as it was
built similarly to CompL-it, i.e., by combining together different existing re-
sources (Mazzei 2016; SimpleLEX-IT n.d.). In particular, SIMPLELex-it was
developed by integrating morphological data from the previously cited Mor-
ph-it!, the Vocabolario di base della lingua italiana by Tullio De Mauro (De
Mauro 1980; 2016), two entries of the Italian Wikipedia concerning verbs
(Wikipedia 2024a; 2024b) and, finally, data from the Italian Universal De-
pendencies (UD) treebanks (Universal Dependencies n.d.a).
In the context of Linked Open Data – or, more precisely, LLOD, un-
derstood as the reference community for the creation and sharing of resour-
ces according to LOD principles (Cimiano et al. 2020; LLOD n.d.) – the
linguistic resources currently available for Italian include RDF datasets for
the previously mentioned PSC (Del Gratta et al. 2015) and IWN (Bartolini
2016) resources. The LLOD landscape, however, offers resources for different
languages, both contemporary and historical varieties; as an illustrative and
non-exhaustive example in a constantly expanding field, it is worth mentio-
ning Dbnary (Sérasset 2015), the multilingual resource based on Wiktionary,
made available according to LLOD principles. For historical varieties, we cite
LiLa – Linking Latin, a knowledge base for Latin that now includes several
resources (Mambrini and Passarotti 2023), and the DigitAnt project for an-
cient language varieties in Italy (Mallia et al. 2024). On the terminological
front, CHAMUÇA is noted, a resource for Portuguese loanwords in Asian
languages (Khan et al. 2024), and initial studies for a resource related to terms
in the Babylonian Talmud (Sciolette 2024), with the formalisation of contex-
CompL-it: a Computational Lexicon of Italian 123
ts through the OntoLex module FrAC (Frequency, Attestation and Corpus
Information), which is currently under development (Chiarcos et al. 2022;
Github n.d.a).
As a source of reference data for the construction of the CompL-it lexicon,
and as already mentioned, we chose LexicO, one of the freely available lexical
resources for the Italian language. The motivation for this choice is twofold,
and is partly also evident from the data reported in section 4.3, where LexicO
has been quantitatively compared to five other resources. First of all, Lexi-
cO (see section 3.1) is a multi-layered linguistic resource, in which informa-
tion of various kinds (phonological, morphological, syntactic and semantic)
is encoded: in this sense, it constitutes a unicum of its kind, given that all
the others limit themselves to representing, essentially, lexemes linked to each
other through semantic relations. Moreover, from a more quantitative point of
view, LexicO with its dense network of relations constitutes an extremely rich
resource of linguistic data.
However, LexicO also has limitations, both in terms of coverage in the
number of lexical entries, in terms of specific content (such as inflected forms
or missing lexical senses) and, finally, in terms of the data format in which it
is currently represented.
The idea of building CompL-it arose precisely due to these limitations of
LexicO: to ensure maximum lexical coverage, the linguistic data from LexicO
was integrated with data from two additional sources. Furthermore, standards
defined by the LLOD community were adopted for the model and represen-
tation format.
3. The sources
As stated in the previous section, LexicO was selected as the foundational
resource for constructing CompL-it. Additionally, we considered two other
sources: M-GLF (MAGIC-Generated Lemmatized Forms), a list of lemma-
tized forms with morphological information generated by the MAGIC tool
(Battista and Pirrelli 1999; Pirrelli and Battista 2000), and a set of Italian
language treebanks available through the UD repository (Universal Depen-
dencies n.d.b). All these resources have been chosen both for the richness of
the data they provide and because they have been manually constructed or
These three resources are very different from each other in terms of for-
mats, models and purposes, and therefore their integration required a process
of standardisation, as described in Section 4.1. In the following sections, we
describe the three resources together with some specific pre-processing inter-
ventions carried out prior to the data standardisation and conversion steps
necessary to create CompL-it.
124 Flavia Sciolette, Andrea Bellandi, Emiliano Giovannetti, Simone Marchi
3.1. LexicO
LexicO is a computational lexicon of Italian, available on CLARIN as a re-
lational database (CLARIN-IT n.d.b). This resource is derived from the above
mentioned PSC, with which it shares the same model based on the theory of
Generative Lexicon by James Pustejovsky (Pustejovsky 1995).
LexicO contains four layers of linguistic information: a morphological
layer, which describes lemmas, parts of speech (POS), and inflectional rules;
a semantic layer, which includes information about senses and their relation-
ships; a syntactic layer, detailing the syntactic behaviour of units and their
phrase structure; and finally, a phonological layer, which involves inflected for-
ms generated from the inflectional rules in the morphological layer. Althou-
gh each layer operates independently, there are connections between different
units, such as between syntactic and semantic entries. Since its initial use in
tasks such as full-text search (Giovannetti et al. 2022), it has become evident
that there is a need to convert all the data into a format compliant with current
Morphological units form the basis of lexical entries in LexicO. Each unit
is associated with a POS value and a set of morphological rules used to gene-
rate grammatically correct forms. These forms are defined as a type of entry
called phonological units.
Each association between a lemma and a form is described with a POS and
a certain number of morphological traits, as shown in Table 1.
Lemma Form POS MorphFeat
abbandonare abbandonai V 1|singular|indicative|past
Table 1: abbandonare (to abandon) with its form abbandonai, its POS (verb), and its morphological
features (first person singular, indicative, past).
As already mentioned in the previous section, LexicO is directly derived
from the PSC computational lexicon. This initial resource, while already quite
comprehensive, contained redundant or duplicated data and some entries
lacking in information: an emblematic example is the absence of the form
vado (I go) of the verb andare (to go). Although these issues did not diminish
the intrinsic value of the source, they required interventions to address the
gaps where possible. All interventions are documented in Sciolette, Giovan-
netti, and Marchi (2023).
3.2. M-GLF
The second lexical source we used to build up CompL-it was M-GLF, a
list of lemmatised forms generated by MAGIC, a morphological analyser for
CompL-it: a Computational Lexicon of Italian 125
Italian (Battista and Pirrelli 1999). The tool includes three modules: a lexicon
compiler, the morphological analyser itself, and a morphological generator.
We used this latter to generate the M-GLF list of forms (CLARIN-IT n.d.c)
by starting from a list of morphological rules for lemmas, endings and idiosyn-
cratic entries, contained in a morphological database.
An example of a M-GLF entry follows which is relative to a form of the
Italian verb abbaiare (to bark):
[1] MACRO:word[l_abbaiare,abbaiera’,v_fin,3,!,s,-
In this example, l_abbaiare is the lemma of the form abbaierà, which is the
third person singular of the finite verb abbaiare in the indicative mood and
future tense. These morphological traits are indicated in the line, separated
by commas. Exclamation points represent null values for unspecified features,
such as degree, which is only relevant for adjectives.
The MAGIC generation tool is based on rules that constitute an extremely
rigorous model. First of all, the tool was unable to generate certain forms, such
as the absolute superlative. Moreover, the generation of entries produced some
inconsistencies. In particular, we found entries having multiple POS, such as
noun and adjective (e.g., svedese can indicate both the noun for a resident of
Sweden and the adjective for denoting the quality of being Swedish). In these
cases, we decided to intervene by splitting the entries with double POS into
distinct entries, each of which having its own POS with the correct morpho-
logical traits.
3.3. Treebanks
To further enrich the morphological layer of CompL-it, we also decided to
consider lemmas, forms, and morphological information obtained from the
available treebanks for Italian. The treebanks are collected in the UD repos-
itory, according to a common annotation scheme (Universal Dependencies
n.d.c), used for resources in different languages.
We only included treebanks that have been manually revised: three based
on balanced corpora of general-purpose texts (such as newspapers, legal doc-
uments, etc.) and one from a specific domain. We considered the following
ISDT (Italian Stanford Dependency Treebank) (Universal Dependen-
cies n.d.d): this resource was obtained through a semi-automatic con-
version process starting from MIDT (the Merged Italian Dependency
Treebank). It is the result of merging pre-existing dependency-based
resources, aimed at improving the interoperability of available data.
126 Flavia Sciolette, Andrea Bellandi, Emiliano Giovannetti, Simone Marchi
The schema was partially adapted to account for the specific features of
the Italian language (Simi, Bosco, and Montemagni 2014);
VIT (Universal Dependencies n.d.e): it is a conversion of VIT (Veni-
ce Italian Treebank), developed at the Laboratory of Computational
Linguistics at Università Ca’ Foscari in Venice. Originally a constituen-
cy-based treebank, VIT includes linguistic materials of various types,
extracted from five text typologies and spoken dialogues. The data un-
derwent conversion to the CoNLL-U format (Universal Dependencies
n.d.f), along with several stages of data harmonisation;
ParTUT (ParallelTut) (Universal Dependencies n.d.g): it is a conver-
sion of a multilingual parallel treebank developed at the University of
Turin consisting of a variety of text genres, including talks, legal texts
and Wikipedia articles (Sanguinetti and Bosco 2015);
ParlaMint-It (Universal Dependencies n.d.h): it is a collection of tran-
scriptions of parliamentary sessions of the Italian Senate, annotated in
Universal Dependencies. The corpus is part of a larger multilingual col-
lection of parliamentary transcripts built during the ParlaMint project
(CLARIN n.d.).
Although the selected treebanks were chosen precisely because they un-
derwent manual revision, they are not entirely free of errors, including gaps
and inconsistencies, particularly in morphological features, which can intro-
duce noise.
For example, there are cases where a word appearing in the treebanks is
annotated with fewer morphological features than the same word appearing
in the other two resources. This is the case for the form abilitati (enabled, as
in “enabled users”), described in the treebanks only through lemma and POS,
while in LexicO and M-GLF, this word is also provided with number (plural)
and gender (masculine) features. In all these cases, in CompL-it, the words
from the resource richer in linguistic information have been added.
4. The nature of CompL-it
This section illustrates the resource CompL-it, by starting with the neces-
sary standardisation process that had to be carried out, described in Section
4.1. The conversion in RDF format is briefly described in Section 4.2, while
a quantitative analysis of the resource is carried out in Section 4.3. To ensu-
re data interoperability we chose Ontolex-Lemon as the backbone model of
Compl-It, as it is the de facto standard for representing lexical resources in the
Linked Open Data community.
CompL-it: a Computational Lexicon of Italian 127
In order to proceed to the standardisation and conversion processes, it was
necessary to carry out some pre-processing steps. Some of these interventions
concerned all the resources and involved, in particular: i) the conversion of
superscripts into accented letters and distinction of high and low accents; ii)
the removal of proper nouns, such as named entities (e.g. Petrarca) and trade
names (e.g. Xerox); iii) the exclusion of abbreviations (e.g. Dott. instead of
doctor); iv) the exclusion of multiword expressions, which included nouns,
adjectives, adverbs and prepositions (e.g. the expression a ferro e fuoco); v) the
removal of unadapted loanwords (e.g. word processor).
Loanwords, multi words and proper nouns require different treatment and
will therefore be the subject of future work.
4.1. Standardisation
The following paragraphs describe the interventions undertaken to make
the models of the considered resources homogeneous in terms of morphology
and semantic relations.
4.1.1 Morphology
As can be seen from Section 3, the models and reference vocabularies of
LexicO, M-GLF and treebanks differ from each other, often profoundly. This
divergence between linguistic information representation systems is also moti-
vated by the different approach used to represent linguistic data.
In fact, M-GLF and LexicO can be included in the category of lexico-
graphic resources, whereas the standard used for treebanks, based on the UD
paradigm, pertains to the annotation of linguistic corpora.
In order to standardise the vocabularies, we decided to use LexInfo, an
inventory of types, values and properties designed to describe linguistic data
s (LexInfo n.d.). LexInfo comprises morphological properties, such as
gender, number, mood, grammatical categories (POS), and semantic relations,
such as synonymy, hypernymy, and so on. This choice is justified primarily
by the alignment of this vocabulary with the OntoLex-Lemon model (W3C
2016) used to represent CompL-it, as LexInfo serves as the reference linguistic
ontology for resources created with this model. Additionally, LexInfo complies
with other standards related to the OntoLex-Lemon model, including OLiA
(Ontologies of Linguistic Annotation) (Chiarcos and Sukhareva 2015; OLiA
n.d.), a repository of linguistic categories specific to annotated corpora. Ulti-
mately, the selection of the LexInfo vocabulary was largely driven by the need
to produce a lexical resource that is as interoperable as possible with other re-
128 Flavia Sciolette, Andrea Bellandi, Emiliano Giovannetti, Simone Marchi
sources based on the OntoLex-Lemon model, in accordance with the Linked
Data paradigm.
This difference in the representation of linguistic information in the mod-
els of the three sources occurs mainly at the level of the association between
POS and morphological traits. In fact, LexicO and M-GLF are based on a
model and specific vocabularies of labels, which are characterised by a very
fine-grained categorisation of POS. In the case of the treebanks, the UPOS
has a coarser grain: for example, the combination of UPOS and trait “pos-
sessive” with the value “yes” in the treebanks has been mapped to a specific
LexInfo POS. For example, the entry mio (mine) appears in treebanks with
the following annotation: PRON for the UPOS, with the feature “Poss=Yes”.
In CompL-it, this entry has been described with POS “possessivePronoun”,
according to the LexInfo vocabulary. More in general, the vocabularies of Lex-
icO, M-GLF and the treebanks were mapped into LexInfo, according to the
following scenarios: i) direct mapping between POS, if available (as was often
the case for LexicO and M-GLF); ii) conversion of POS and trait combina-
tions present in the treebanks into a LexInfo POS; iii) conversion into OLiA
or proposal of an ad hoc label, if the trait was not present in LexInfo. The
conversion tables have been made available on (Github n.d.b).
4.1.2 Semantics
In CompL-it, 137 types of semantic relations derived from LexicO have
been included. These relations are categorised into eight classes, listed below.
Four classes are related to the four qualia roles taken from the Genera-
tive Lexicon theory
, namely:
Formal: the role that describes the entity conveyed by the sense in
relation to other entities. An example of a relation associated with
the formal role is hyponymy, e.g., gatto-mammifero (cat-mammal);
Agentive: the role that provides information about the origin of an
entity. An example of a relation associated with the agentive role is
caused by, e.g., infezione-batterio (infection-bacterium);
Telic: the role that specifies a function of an entity. An example of a
relation associated with the telic role is Object of activity, linking an
object to a certain event, such as libro-leggere (book-to read);
OLiA has been used in the conversion of two traits in M-GLF for “Diminutive” and
For an overview of the theory and the relationship between qualia roles and relations, see
(Sciolette, Giovannetti, and Marchi 2023). Following the terminology in the PSC documen-
tation, entities refer to the concept expressed by the sense, conveyed by a specific entry. These
entities can be connected to each other through semantic relations. Semantic relations are also
classified according to qualia roles.
CompL-it: a Computational Lexicon of Italian 129
Constitutive: the role that describes the composition of an entity;
an example of a relation associated with the constitutive role is me-
ronymy, as senatore-senato (senator-senate).
A derivational class, reserved for relations concerning senses that un-
dergo a change in grammatical category, e.g., from adjective to noun,
as triste-tristezza (sad-sadness).
A class related to polysemy relations, as listed in Malmgren (1988). An
example of a regular polysemy class is Substance-Colour, as seen in the
sense of turchese (turquoise), which can refer to both the gemstone and
the colour.
Two classes not documented in the original PSC model, namely synon-
ymy, e.g. ciclone-uragano (cyclone-hurricane), and metaphor, e.g. leone
(lion) to relate the sense of a brave man to the sense of the animal.
These few examples convey the image of a system of relations aimed at
defining meaning according to very fine-grained categories, as exemplified in
the case of meronymy, which distinguishes senses related to parts of a set, com-
ponents of a group, and, as a subclass, followers of a certain movement, as for
example Marxista (Marxist).
At present, it has proved particularly complex to find exact correspondences
between the semantic relations described in the reference ontologies (LexInfo
and OLiA) for the OntoLex-Lemon model. In some cases, it was necessary to
define relations from scratch.
The need to update lexical resources in Linked Data formats was also felt
in the past and led to the creation of some resources conforming to previous
versions of the OntoLex-Lemon model (Del Gratta et al. 2015; Villegas and
Bel 2015). However, it was not possible to reuse these resources either because
they did not include updates to the OntoLex-Lemon model, or because they
did not include a mapping with other reference models, such as LexInfo.
To ensure maximum interoperability, where possible, relations formalised
from scratch were linked to the corresponding reconstructed resources in pre-
vious versions of the OntoLex-Lemon model, with the seeAlso relation (W3C
For the construction of a vocabulary of CompL-it relations, the following
were also considered: i) equivalences, where possible, with LexInfo, such as
in the case of synonymy; ii) additional properties, not previously defined by
other resources, but reconstructed through documentation and analysis of the
The vocabulary definition phase also had a direct effect on the enrichment
interventions of the resource. For example, the mapping with LexInfo made it
possible to define an additional relation, hypernymy, as the inverse of hypon-
ymy (which translates the isA relation present in the LexicO model); since hy-
130 Flavia Sciolette, Andrea Bellandi, Emiliano Giovannetti, Simone Marchi
pernymy is the inverse of hyponymy, even if the relation is not described in the
source resource, it was still possible to infer a number of instances. This hap-
pened for all relations of which we could formalise additional properties from
the study of the documentation (as in the case of causes, inverse of causedBy).
4.2. Conversion to Linked Data
Once the data from the three lexical sources had been standardised, they
were converted into the Linked Data format. After introducing the reference
model adopted, an example of converted data is provided.
4.2.1 The OntoLex-Lemon model
In the context of the representation and publication of lexical data as
knowledge graphs and/or as Linguistic Linked Open Data, the OntoLex-Le-
mon model has become a de facto standard. This model was created with the
aim of supporting the linguistic foundation of a given ontology by adding
information on how ontological entities are lexicalised in different langua-
ges. However, OntoLex-Lemon can also be used as a lexicographic model to
represent linguistic entities without any concept they denote being defined.
OntoLex-Lemon is inspired by many other models, in particular the Lexical
Markup Framework (LMF) (Francopoulo et al. 2006), LexInfo (Cimiano et
al. 2011) — aligned with DatCatInfo (DatCatInfo n.d.) — and LIR (Lingui-
stic Information Repository) (Montiel-Ponsoda et al. 2008).
Figure 1 represents the core of the model, called ontolex. The rectangles
represent the classes of the model, the arrows with full heads represent the
properties of the objects, and the arrows with empty heads represent the sub-
class relationships.
CompL-it: a Computational Lexicon of Italian 131
Figure 1: The core model of OntoLex-Lemon (ontolex). Picture taken from the W3C OntoLex Final
Community Report at (W3C 2016).
ontolex is based on the definition of three fundamental classes: i) LexicalEntry,
that «represents a unit of analysis of the lexicon that consists of a set of forms
that are grammatically related and a set of base meanings that are associated
with all of these forms»; ii) Form, that «represents one grammatical realisation
of a lexical entry»; iii) LexicalSense, that «represents the lexical meaning of
a lexical entry when interpreted as referring to the corresponding ontology
element, if it is given». With reference to Figure 1, it is necessary to emphasise
that ontolex also allows us to express the fact that a given lexical entry evokes
a certain mental concept or refers to an entity with a formal interpretation
defined in an ontology. Therefore, OntoLex-Lemon introduces a fourth ele-
ment, the
LexicalConcept class, which represents a mental abstraction, concept
or unit of thought that can be lexicalised by a given collection of meanings.
The rest of the architecture of OntoLex-Lemon is divided into 4 modules,
each representing a different linguistic aspect, namely: i) decomposition (de-
comp), i.e. the process of describing which elements constitute a multiword
or compound; ii) the lexical and semantic relations between lexical entries
and lexical senses respectively (vartrans); iii) the syntactic behaviour of lexical
entries (synsem); iv) the description of the metadata of the lexical resource
(lime). However, in this paper, our conversion work will mainly use ontolex,
dealing with neither composition nor syntactic aspects in particular.
132 Flavia Sciolette, Andrea Bellandi, Emiliano Giovannetti, Simone Marchi
It is important to emphasise that the model abstracts from specific lin-
guistic theories or category systems used to describe the properties of lexical
entries and their syntactic behaviour. The re-use of existing category systems
or linguistic ontologies is therefore strongly encouraged. In our case, as rec-
ommended by the community that developed the model and as described in
section 4.1.1, the LexInfo model was used, which offers a rich vocabulary of
linguistic categories and relationships for morphology, syntax and semantics.
4.2.2 Representing data in RDF OntoLex-Lemon
The conversion of the standardised data coming from the three sources
into OntoLex-Lemon was performed by an algorithm in two steps: i) conver-
sion of the linguistic information according to the formalisation described in
the core ontolex module of the model; ii) serialisation of the data into Turtle
The obtained lexicon was then loaded into Ontotext GraphDB (Ontotext
n.d.), a semantic repository compliant with RDF and SPARQL (W3C 2013).
Below is an example of an RDF OntoLex-Lemon representation of a Com-
pL-it lexical entry in Turtle format.
:coniglio_entry a ontolex:Word;
lexinfo:partOfSpeech lexinfo:noun;
ontolex:canonicalForm coniglio_lemma;
ontolex:otherForm coniglio_form_1;
ontolex:sense coniglio_sense_1, coniglio_sense_2, co-
:coniglio_lemma a ontolex:Form;
lexinfo:gender lexinfo:masculine;
lexinfo:number lexinfo:singular;
ontolex:writtenRep “coniglio”@it, “rabbit”@en.
:coniglio_form_1 a ontolex:Form;
lexinfo:gender lexinfo:masculine;
lexinfo:number lexinfo:plural;
ontolex:writtenRep “conigli”@it, “rabbits”@en.
:coniglio_sense_1 a ontolex:LexicalSense;
skos:denition “mammifero della famiglia dei Lepori-
di, con pelame di vario colore, lunghe orecchie, occhi
Turtle is a serialisation format for RDF data types (W3C 2014).
CompL-it: a Computational Lexicon of Italian 133
grandi e sporgenti e grossi incisivi”@it, “Mammal of
the Leporidae family, with variously colored fur, long
ears, large, protruding eyes and large incisors”@en;
lexinfo:hyponym mammifero_sense;
simple:polysemyAnimalFood coniglio_sense_3.
:coniglio_sense_2 a ontolex:LexicalSense;
skos:denition “persona timida e molto paurosa”@it,
“shy and very
fearful person”@en;
lexinfo:hyponym persona_sense;
simple:metaphor coniglio_sense_1.
:coniglio_sense_3 a ontolex:LexicalSense;
skos:denition “carne dell’omonimo animale”@it, “meat
of the animal”@en.
In this example, the lexical entry coniglio (rabbit) is associated with two
forms, one of which is defined as the canonical form (the lemma) and the
other suitable for representing the plural form conigli (rabbits), both of which
are equipped with the appropriate morphological traits. The lexical entry is
also associated, via the ontolex:sense relation, with three lexical senses, each of
which has a natural language definition. Furthermore, the first two senses are
also endowed with semantic relations that link them to other lexical senses.
For example, rabbit_sense_2 is defined as a hyponym of mammal_sense.
4.3. CompL-it in numbers
In this section, the CompL-it lexicon is described from a quantitative per-
spective, both by enumerating the entities and relations it comprises and by
comparing it with lexicographic resources available for the Italian language of
a similar nature.
From a morphological standpoint, the resource is composed of 101,795
lexical entries (comprising a total of 791,541 word forms), classified with 36
POS categories and described with morphological traits. Figure 2 depicts a
Venn diagram representing the different dimensions, in terms of lexical en-
tries, of the three source resources and their intersections. As observed, the
most significant contribution of words comes from M-GLF. However, both
LexicO and the treebanks contribute significantly with a total of 47,069 forms
and 9,028 additional lexical entries.
134 Flavia Sciolette, Andrea Bellandi, Emiliano Giovannetti, Simone Marchi
Figure 2: Representation, by the number of lexical entries, of the three source resources and their
various intersections.
Going more into the specific linguistic content, Table 2 shows the distri-
bution of word forms by POS: as expected, most are verbal forms (69% of the
total). The other class encompasses the 32 POS not explicitly specified, such
as, for example, number, conjunction, determiner, and preposition.
POS LexicO M-GLF TBs CompL-it
verb 345,307 526,635 10,741 545,342
noun 76,396 115,562 11,723 136,744
adj. 45,712 98,603 7,083 103,869
adv. 742 2,818 845 3223
935 670 926 2,364
total 469,092 744,288 31,318 791,542
Table 2: Distribution of word forms by POS
This category includes the following POS: adposition, article, auxiliary, cardinalNumeral,
conjunction, coordinatingConjunction, definiteArticle, demonstrativeDeterminer, demon-
strativePronoun, determiner, exclamativeDeterminer, exclamativePronoun, fusedPreposition,
indefiniteArticle, indefiniteDeterminer, indefinitePronoun, interjection, interrogativeAdverb,
interrogativeDeterminer, interrogativePronoun, numeral, numeralDeterminer, numeralPro-
noun, particle, personalPronoun, possessiveAdjective, possessiveDeterminer, possessivePro-
noun, pronoun, relativeDeterminer, relativePronoun, subordinatingConjunction.
CompL-it: a Computational Lexicon of Italian 135
As for the data related to the semantic layer, CompL-it describes 55,713
word senses connected to each other through 137 types of semantic relations,
totalling 86,577 instances. Table 3 shows a distribution of the 10 most nume-
rous types of semantic relation instances.
Semantic relation # instances an example
hyponym 43,069 medicina, scienza (medicine, science)
approximateSynonym 5,666 sciocco, stupido (foolish, stupid)
usedFor 3,291 matita, scrivere (pencil, to write)
partMeronym 3,159 giorno, settimana (day, week)
partHolonym 3,159 cinghiale, grugno (boar, snout)
createdBy 2,857 quadro, dipingere (painting, to paint)
ObjectOfeActivity 1,366 bistecca, mangiare (steak, to eat)
memberMeronym 1,318 segretario, partito (secretary, party)
ResultingState 1,063 bruciare, bruciato (to burn, burnt)
memberHolonym 979 stormo, uccello (ock, bird)
other 20,255 -
total 86,577
Table 3: Distribution of semantic relations instances.
To provide an overview of the dimensions and richness of linguistic infor-
mation conveyed by CompL-it, we finally present, in Table 4, a comparison
with other lexical resources available for Italian
Data updated at the time of writing.
136 Flavia Sciolette, Andrea Bellandi, Emiliano Giovannetti, Simone Marchi
entries forms senses/synsets
LexicO 71,021 469,708 56,870 senses 89,340 137
IWN 48,416 - 49,350 synsets 138,385 83
MWN 41,491 - 32,673 synsets 45,593 14
OmegaWiki 30,258
- 23,417 senses 66,005
SIMPLELex-IT 7,022 26,560 - - -
Morph-it! 34,968 504,906 - - -
CompL-it 101,795 791,541 56,870 senses 86,577
Table 4: Concise comparison of some of the main freely available resources containing lexical data for
the Italian language.
5. CompL-it: access and use
The resource, in addition to being available for download, can be queried
through a dedicated web interface (KLAB n.d.). This interface, shown in Figu-
re 3, allows the user to select a series of precompiled SPARQL queries (visible
on the left), modify one of them using the right panel, or formulate a new
query from scratch.
As an example, the figure includes a precompiled query that allows for di-
splaying all meanings of the verb fare (to do). If selected, the interface queries
the resource and returns 7 senses of that verb, displaying their definitions and
some examples. Using the corresponding SPARQL query shown in the right
panel, it is possible to modify the label fare (highlighted in the figure) to insert
another Italian verb, click the execute query button at the top right, and view
the meanings of that verb in CompL-it.
In addition to its presentation as a linguistic resource in itself, as it is freely
distributed, numerically rich and conforms to Linked Open Data standards,
CompL-it can also be described in relation to the uses that can be made of it
for information management and retrieval tasks.
For instance, a computational lexicon can be used in full-text search ap-
proaches in which queries can fully exploit the morphological information
contained therein and the complex and articulated system of semantic rela-
This number includes both dictionary entries and encyclopaedic data (such as named
Semantic relations are defined between “concepts” and not between senses of a specific
There are fewer instances of semantic relations in CompL-it than in LexicO because prop-
er nouns were not extracted from the latter resource (as specified at the beginning of section
4) and the associated semantic relations were excluded with them.
CompL-it: a Computational Lexicon of Italian 137
tions between the words of the lexicon (especially synonymy and hyponymy).
Better results are naturally obtained if searches are carried out on linguistical-
ly pre-analysed texts (at least with POS tagging) to reduce ambiguity in the
results. In the following section we provide an example of a full-text search
supported by a computational lexicon. For more details, see (Giovannetti et
al. 2022).
Figure 3: The query interface with the example of search for the senses of the Italian verb fare (to do).
Finally, we would also like to emphasise that representing data according
to the LOD paradigm can bring some advantages, namely: (i) the federation
mechanism with other datasets potentially allows the integration and im-
provement of queries results for more enriched searches, e.g., linking with
etymological datasets (see Section 6); (ii) the addition of a semantic layer to
the data through ontologies, allows the implicit knowledge in the dataset to
be inferred and exploited in queries to the text, e.g., exploiting the transitivity
of synonymy or hypernymy.
5.1. An example: lexicon-based search of the Babylonian Talmud
In this example, we show a query of the Italian translation of the Babylo-
nian Talmud. This translation is being carried out by expert translators in the
context of the Babylonian Talmud Translation Project (PTTB n.d.) using Tra-
duco, a computer-aided translation tool developed at the CNR-ILC (Giovan-
netti et al. 2016). The search function of the tool allows the text to be accessed
with complex queries, which can include information conveyed by the Italian
lexicon related to morphology and semantics.
138 Flavia Sciolette, Andrea Bellandi, Emiliano Giovannetti, Simone Marchi
Figure 4: An example of query and relative results with the verb iniziare.
Considering the lemma iniziare (to start) it is possible to insert both mor-
phological and semantic traits into the query (Fig. 4). By adding, for example,
a restriction on the indicative mood and the third person, it is possible to
extract all the contexts of the Talmud with the forms of the verb iniziare char-
acterised by these traits. On the semantic side, we can also expand the query to
include all lemmas having at least one sense as synonym to one of the (three)
senses available in the lexicon for iniziare: the lexicon returns introdurre (to
introduce) and cominciare (to begin). With the aforementioned morpholog-
ical and semantic restrictions, the system is able to return Talmudic contexts
containing, for example, the form inizia (singular, present indicative), but
also comincia, cominciano (plural, present indicative), and iniziò (singular, past
6. Conclusions and perspectives
In this article, we presented CompL-it, a new computational lexicon for
contemporary Italian. In the first part, we described the state of the art for
this type of resource and outlined a landscape that, although rich, presen-
ts some challenges, such as the heterogeneity of data formats and linguistic
models. Next, we described the three resources from which the lexicon was
constructed: a computational lexicon (LexicO), a lemmatised form list obtai-
ned from a morphological analyser (M-GLF) and a set of treebanks. The three
sources were based on different formats and models, which made it necessary
CompL-it: a Computational Lexicon of Italian 139
to standardise the data, also in accordance with the standards used by the
Linguistic Linked Open Data community. Standardisation was followed by a
conversion phase, which led to the final version of the lexicon in the form of
Linguistic Linked Open Data according to the OntoLex-Lemon model.
We have also described the resource on a quantitative basis, also comparing
CompL-it with some of the lexicographic resources available for Italian. The
lexicon has been released as an open resource, is freely downloadable and can
be consulted through a SPARQL interface. Finally, it was shown, through an
example of a search on the Italian text of the Babylonian Talmud, how such
a resource can be usefully exploited to provide linguistic-semantic access to
textual corpora.
By its very nature, the editing of a lexicon can never be called a finished
work. In the immediate future, CompL-it will first be further enriched in the
semantic layer from the data that have not yet been extracted from LexicO
(including templates and semantic traits). Subsequently, a merging method-
ology similar to the one adopted for morphology will also be applied to the
semantic layer, in particular by considering available semantic resources such
as ItalWordNet. A version of CompL-it will also be released, albeit limited to
the morphological layer, conforming to the Universal Dependencies model.
The resource will also be further extended to include cliticised forms, multi-
word forms and forms generated with suffixes, as in the case of papà-papino
(dad, daddy). Finally, other linguistic layers will be considered, such as syntax
(including data related to syntax-semantics interface) and phonetics, starting
by leveraging on such data already available in LexicO.
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tional Research Council – Institute of Computational Linguistics and the
PTTB S.c.a r.l. – Babylonian Talmud Translation Project.
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ISBN 979-12-5965-456-4 ISSN 1121-0095
AIDAinformazioni Anno 42 – N. 3-4 – luglio-dicembre 2024
Rivista semestrale di Scienze dell’Informazione
Anno 42
N. 3-4 – luglio-dicembre 2024
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Il nuovo regolamento eIDAS e alcune “quisquilie
F B, MT
Exploration du réseau numérique YouTube
autour de la santé des militaires: quelles sont les
thématiques des discours, les sources d’informations
et les acteurs de la communication?
E C, L F
Assisted morbidity coding: the SISCO.web
use case for identifying the main diagnosis in
Hospital Discharge Records
V F
A humanistic approach to datafication
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Testimonianze di un impegno culturale per
l’Università di Salerno. Le carte di Alfonso
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