AIDAinformazioni Anno 42 – N. 3-4 – luglio-dicembre 2024
Editrice: Cacucci Editore S.a.s.
Via D. Nicolai, 39 – 70122 Bari (BA)
Telefono 080/5214220
Proprietario della rivista:
Università della Calabria
Direttore Scientico:
Roberto Guarasci, Università della Calabria
Direttore Responsabile:
Fabrizia Flavia Sernia
Comitato scientico:
Anna Rovella, Università della Calabria;
Maria Guercio, Sapienza Università di Roma;
Giovanni Adamo, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche †;
Claudio Gnoli, Università degli Studi di Pavia;
Ferruccio Diozzi, Centro Italiano Ricerche Aerospaziali;
Gino Roncaglia, Università della Tuscia;
Laurence Favier, Université Charles-de-Gaulle Lille 3;
Madjid Ihadjadene, Université Vincennes-Saint-Dénis Paris 8;
Maria Mirabelli, Università della Calabria;
Agustín Vivas Moreno, Universidad de Extremadura;
Douglas Tudhope, University of South Wales;
Christian Galinski, International Information Centre for Terminology;
Béatrice Daille, Université de Nantes;
Alexander Murzaku, College of Saint Elizabeth, USA;
Federico Valacchi, Università di Macerata.
Comitato di redazione:
Antonietta Folino, Università della Calabria;
Erika Pasceri, Università della Calabria;
Maria Taverniti, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche;
Maria Teresa Chiaravalloti, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche;
Assunta Caruso, Università della Calabria;
Claudia Lanza, Università della Calabria.
Segreteria di Redazione:
Valeria Rovella, Università della Calabria
R   S ’I
Fondata nel 1983 da Paolo Bisogno
R   S ’I
«AIDAinformazioni» è una rivista scientifica che pubblica articoli inerenti alle Scienze dell’In-
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nel 1983 quale rivista uciale dell’Associazione Italiana di Documentazione Avanzata e nel
febbraio 2014 è stata acquisita dal Laboratorio di Documentazione dell’Università della Ca-
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Anno 42
N. 3-4 – luglio-dicembre 2024
  
2024 Cacucci Editore – Bari
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A A, Il nuovo regolamento eIDAS e alcune “quisquilie
archivistiche 9
F B, MT, Exploration du réseau numérique
YouTube autour de la santé des militaires: quelles sont les thématiques des
discours, les sources d’informations et les acteurs de la communication? 29
E C, L F, Assisted morbidity coding: the
SISCO.web use case for identifying the main diagnosis in Hospital
Discharge Records 51
V F, A humanistic approach to datafication 79
R P, Testimonianze di un impegno culturale per
l’Università di Salerno. Le carte di Alfonso Menna 101
F S, A B, E G,
S M, CompL-it: a Computational Lexicon of Italian 119
C G, Non solo libri 151
ISSN 1121–0095
ISBN 979-12-5965-456-4
DOI 10.57574/596545644
pag. 79-100 (luglio-dicembre 2024)
A humanistic approach to datafication
Two case studies: digital and digitized
Valeria Federici*
Abstract: The term datafication has the ability to embrace a series of aspects that span from
the field of computer science to social and cultural studies. While the process of datafication
(taking aspects of life and turning them into data) is surrounded by a lure of abstraction
and neutrality; similarly to other computational processes, datafication reflects cultural biases,
flaws, and implications that affect knowledge and knowledge production. This article explores
datafication as related to the semantic web, web ontologies, and other systems of classification
as both method and structure of art historical analysis. By analyzing two digital repositories
that run on MediaWiki, the goal of this investigation is to incentivize a model that, under the
umbrella of digital art history, unifies aspects pertaining to digital curatorship and digital pres-
ervation. The two case studies are: The History of Early American Landscape Design (HEALD)
and The Educational Encyclopedia of Digital Arts (EduEDA).
Keywords: Datafication, Semantic Web, Web Ontologies, Digital, Digitized.
1. Introduction
In her book The Age of Surveillance Capitalism, Shoshana Zuboff defines
datafication as «the application of software that allows computers and algo-
rithms to process and analyze [data]» (Zuboff 2019, 187-188). Datafication is
«a technological process that turns several aspects of the life of an individual, a
group, or a society into data. Data is then turned into information that acquires
new values, including economic value» (Treccani 2020, Emphasis added)
The term datafication thus has span from the field of computer science to
social and cultural studies (Zuboff 2019). This article explores datafication
in relation to the use of the semantic web, web ontologies, and other classi-
fication systems as both methods and structures of art historical analysis. In
* Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts, National Gallery of Art, Washington,
D.C., USA.
Also, the term Datafication appeared in the Italian newspaper “La Repubblica” as early
as 1986 (Translated by the author).
80 Valeria Federici
particular, it investigates two case studies: the HEALD, which is a project by
the Center of Advanced Study in the Visual Arts of the National Gallery of
Art in Washington, D.C.; and The Educational Encyclopedia of Digital Arts
(EduEDA), a collective effort with numerous media partners, supported by
both the Academy of Fine Arts of Carrara and of Florence, Italy. Since these
two projects are both built using MediaWiki, the open access software than
runs Wikipedia, they are analyzed in conversation with one another, in order
to investigate the potential and the limits of data-driven analysis as offered by
an open access platform. Specifically, the article delves into the implications
of using the semantic web and standardized vocabularies to apply meaning to
data, making it readable first by machines and then by humans.
In the first case study, I analyze how the latest upgrade to the digital re-
pository HEALD enhanced the use of semantic web to foster investigation
of the material available on its platform and to support its preservation. HE-
ALD can be considered as a repository of digitized items, i.e. physical objects
that underwent a process of digitization to be made available digitally. Since
developments in digital technology are rapidly evolving, the upgrade helped
address technological obsolescence as an endemic issue in digital formats and
frameworks. Such developments often bring changes and mandatory updates
that impact the way we can or cannot use a platform that originally seemed to
serve our digital goals well, and for the longest time. Despite our best inten-
tions, at an early stage of a digital projects life, we might be already looking
for alternative digital formats, new databases, or an entirely new host in order
to give our project a new virtual life. On the one hand, a solution can be to
create a dataset that uses standardized parameters and ontologies in order for
content to remain available in the future, and/or to be safely migrated to a new
platform. On the other hand, standardization would carry over some implica-
tions as well as the question of how to preserve the works original context, i.e.
the digital environment in which the project, or the artwork, was first created.
Overall, this analysis offers a way to deal with these implications.
In the second case study, I explore EduEDA, The Educational Encyclopedia
of Digital Arts. Originally called WikiARTpedia – a project that received an
Honorary Mention at the Ars Electronica Festival of Linz, Austria in 2009 –
in 2012, WikiARTpedia became EduEDA, an encyclopedia of new media arts
and a research platform for networks dedicated to information technology
cultures. As expressed on the project website, the main goal of EduEDA is «to
create a national and international network of people and institutions in order
to collaboratively promote and disseminate digital arts» (EduEDA 2022). The
idea of an interconnected repository of new media art is certainly in line with
the vision of early Internet communities as expressed initially by the creator
of the World Wide Web Berners-Lee, since it fosters collaborations as well as
horizontal and collective forms of knowledge production. A vision then car-
A humanistic approach to datacation 81
ried out by the project Linked Open Data, which had been joined by several
cultural institutions and museums over the course of the years (Berners-Lee
2006). As illustrated by the initiator of EduEDA Tommaso Tozzi – who is an
artist and a pioneer of new media art – in order to maintain the collective
character of the project, it was necessary to adopt an open source software that
allows everyone to contribute. EduEDA does not contain artworks, but links
to websites that store the artworks, built by artists themselves or by institu-
tions. The platform also includes a link to the artworks profile page, which at
times features still images. EduEDA is here considered mainly for its crossed
research tool, as well as for being an example of early digital curatorship. It is
only partially a repository of digital items, or so-called digital-born objects.
As we will see over the course of this article, EduEDA hosts links to either
reproduced or duplicable items (Ippolito 2008, 118)
. This distinction is of
particular interest for digital curatorship.
Others have discussed digital curatorship at length, giving many possible
solutions to display and investigate digital work. Christiane Paul’s curatorial
approach for digital art is certainly still a beacon for this discipline (Paul 2008).
In addition, I consider Ippolitos characterization of digital work in relation to
the possibility of reproducing or simulating obsolete technology. In general,
I endorse a case-by-case approach to the artefact, where a strategy for display
and conservation is developed, whenever possible, in collaboration with artists
and makers. When this is not possible, such as in the case of HEALD, it is still
necessary to clarify that the work has been digitized and to provide details of
the process. I will return to the issue of digital vs digitized later in this article,
and in the conclusions. Broadly speaking, since operating within the digital
realm implies similar challenges for artists, curators, digital humanists, and re-
searchers, this article attempts to offer a roadmap for the investigative fruition
of digital content.
This digital art historical study draws from a lineage of scholarship rooted
in media studies, which can provide an insightful analysis of the practices and
methodologies employed in the field of digital art history and, most impor-
tantly, their ramifications. Stemming from this approach, datafication is here
intended both as a structural aspect of information technology, as well as a
cultural one. By considering the epistemological umbrella under which data
acquires value, this approach invites a reflection on how data is collected and
made available in the field of the digital humanities and digital art history, and
advocates for an active role of the humanists in shaping digital methodological
practices. This translates into a non-hierarchical and dialogical relationship
between information technologies and the humanities, meaning that objects,
Ippolito writes: «We chose the term “reproduced” for any medium that loses quality
when copied, including analog, prints, photographs, film, audio, and video […] In contrast,
we reserved the word “duplicable” for media that can be cloned».
82 Valeria Federici
object production, and consumption through information technology, are
considered in material and historically contextualized terms. Drawing from
existing tools and experiences, the goal of the article is to find a path – through
a humanistic lens on datafication – to reconcile practices and methodologies
that regard digital and digitized artworks as distinct, even though they share
the same data-driven mediums and are influenced by the same lucrative tech-
nological solutionism (Morozov 2013). This approach is not conclusive; rather,
it attempts to demonstrate how theories rooted in media studies can enhance a
humanistic approach to digital tools and help explain the premises and outco-
mes of digital art history projects.
The field of media studies has eloquently illustrated how the digital re-
alm has been characterized by a series of catchy words and phrases that rarely
have clear meanings. Datafication, network, media, digital, and algorithms
are terms that have multiple connotations but remain elusive, often adopted
interchangeably. For instance, Wendy Chun (2011) noted as the term network
is used as a placeholder for interconnectivity, sociality, or simply the Internet.
Chun explains how through a series of linguistic metaphors all media become
more transparent. By becoming more transparent, they tend to blend with the
environment and to become invisible, and their significance becomes even
more occult. Transparency is here intended not only as the ability of media to
fit within our surroundings (for instance by being portable), but also as their
ambition to predict our actions or reactions, in order to be smoothly assimila-
ted into our life (Schäfer and van Es 2017). This alleged transparency allows
media to run without their process being fully explained or questioned. Rather,
the process is often regarded as magic or outside of human control (Morozov
2013), while the working of machines has been mythologized, and locating
agency within digital tools remains an open controversy (Bucher 2018, 52,
60). As I argued elsewhere, a similar process applies to data (Federici 2022).
As Artificial Intelligence moves into the realm of the Digital Humanities,
these aspects become more and more relevant. For instance, while speaking
about Artificial Intelligence, Jonnie Penn traced this metaphorical trend back
to 1976, when it was noted that «words […] served as “incantations” for a de-
sired result, rather than sober descriptions of a mechanism or function» (Penn
2021, 338). Data, network, and algorithms are often surrounded by a lure of
abstraction and neutrality. Abstraction is here intended as a process through
which it seems possible, or enticing, to conduct scientific analysis divested of
human subjectivity. Similarly, neutrality refers to the alleged ability of data
to represent evidence through indexicality – a direct connection between the
object represented and its record – as if there were no interpretation in the
process of displaying content and visualizing data. However, as shown in this
study and elsewhere, the opposite mechanism takes place when working with
data, and in particular with the semantic web. In fact, notwithstanding the
A humanistic approach to datacation 83
misleading narrative around information technology and its processes, the
mechanisms behind those afore-mentioned terms are achieved through com-
plex preparation, selection, and elaboration. In other words, they are highly
mediated. For instance, standardized vocabularies, or ontologies, which are
used to apply semantic meaning to data for the machine to read and interpret
a given information, are achieved through a linguistic selection that is, above
all, cultural, and entails compromise, and standardization. The same linguistic
selection can, at times, obliterate historical presence or exclude underrepre-
sented individuals or groups.
Standardization in computational process derives from the nineteenth
century pursue of mechanical objectivity (Daston and Gallison 1992; Porter
1995) and it requires the same scrutiny as any other operations in the digital
realm. Such scrutiny is possible through an understanding of how these pro-
cesses work. As it has been noted, in order to successfully combine quantita-
tive research within the humanities, digital art historians have been relying
on old models of art historical investigation (mostly revitalizing Panofsky’s
concept of iconography or Warburg’s approach to image association) that have
been surpassed by new theories in art history. These old methods are linked to
a determinist approach to computing and its use for quantitative analysis, that
precludes new paths of investigation (Näslund and Wasielewski 2021). In ad-
dition, such approach prevents a thorough analysis of how digital tools operate
or can operate. This reflection on the deterministic outcomes of standardiza-
tion should impinge the mythological aura that surrounds media in general,
and digital tools in particular. Dialogically, it should also help to question
methodologies in the humanities, in order to flag biases and assumptions.
Along with media theories and art historical methodologies, the premises
of this article are indebted to the many who have poignantly analyzed the ma-
nifold aspects and interconnections between the Digital and the Humanities,
the so-called digital turn (or computational turn), under a methodological and
ontological lens. Fundamental is certainly the distinction that Joanna Drucker
drew between data and capta (Drucker 2011), the former indicating the in-
formation given (potentially available), and the latter the information taken
(collected and elaborated in order to be made available). Drucker invites us to
consider data as something constructed, extrapolated, originated by choices,
compromises, and therefore prepared. Data cannot be considered as an abso-
lute value, and the term capta serves to clarify its actual forms and uses. Capta
is therefore the data that has been turned into information, it is the data we
work with.
The contributors to the volume Raw data is an oxymoron have exposed that
there is no data divested of meaning (Gitelman et al. 2013). A concept carried
on further by Taina Buchers analysis of the algorithm (which, as she argues,
should be rather considered in the plural form algorithms) as well as by Evgeny
84 Valeria Federici
Morozov’s observations on the afore-mentioned technological solutionism, or
the belief that computing has a solution to everything (Bucher 2018; Moro-
zov 2013). On a similar note, as observed by Sven Spieker, the «archive does
not record experience so much as its absence» (Spieker 2008, 3). Therefore,
as part of a critical approach to data, it is mandatory to consider not only
what data shows, but also what it does not show. A claim that has also been
made by Stephanie Porras when speaking about the network visualization of
archives (Porras 2017). Manovichs approach to data as a medium, along with
his concept of Cultural Analytics, emphasizes the implications of computing
as a technology of culture (Manovich 2020) while Theodor Porter had previ-
ously defined quantification as a social technology and clarified that it emerged
much earlier than the digital turn took place, revealing a longstanding tradi-
tion of quantitative analysis that spans over three centuries (Porter 1995, 50).
It has been extensively observed how the computational turn in the human-
ities forced us to rethink how to utilize digital tools and methodologies by
attempting to incentivize interdisciplinarity and push for human intervention.
The edited volume Research Methods for the Digital Humanities has already
introduced a compelling scope to «expand the field [...] rather than establish
definitive boundaries» (Levenberg et al. 2018, 2).
Finally, the «decolonial turn
in data and technology» as highlighted by Nick Couldry and Ulises Ali Mejais
(2021), is another stepping stone for conducting research in the realm of the
digital and digital knowledge production. This leads us to reflect on and re-
think standardization as it is currently possible through datafication.
This article and its outcomes stand on the shoulders of those analyses and
approaches, with a particular focus on MediaWiki for its employment of the
semantic web and its characteristic of being an open access platform based on
the possibilities of sharing information, creating communities for scholarship,
and working collectively. I explore these aspects further in the sections that fol-
low. The two case studies under consideration serve to discuss, and eventually
to attempt to come to terms with aspects of the digital realm that pertain to
both digital-born (digital) and non-digital-born (digitized) artefacts, in order
to contribute critically to the making and usage of digital tools by embracing
complexity rather than standardization, by emphasizing processes, and by op-
erating openly within the limitations of the tools used. This investigation thus
suggests the possibility of intertwining digitized art history, digital art history,
digital curatorship, and digital preservation. While the first two concepts, bor-
rowed by Johanna Drucker, have been extensively analyzed, all these fields of
investigation remain separate from one another (Drucker 2013; Brown 2020).
As mentioned, this article ultimately ponders the benefits of a cross-pollina-
tion among them to potentially become one expanded field that draws from
the experiences and implications of working within the digital realm.
A humanistic approach to datacation 85
2. HEALD – History of American Landscape Design
The digital resource HEALD pertains to «the language of early American
landscape aesthetics and garden design in the colonial and national periods»
(HEALD 2021a)
. HEALD combines thousands of texts with more than 1700
images from collections across the United States. The goal of the project is
to «trace the development of landscape and garden terminology from British
colonial America to the mid-19th century». As mentioned, HEALD runs on
MediaWiki, an open access software based on JavaScript (and its derivatives).
HEALD main structural features (database, editor, interface) were upgraded
in order to adopt standardized semantic ontologies to ensure the usability,
interoperability, and longevity of data (HEALD 2021b)
. HEALD online con-
tent is organized into three main categories: keywords, places, and people. Con-
tent was enriched with metadata (by using Semantic MediaWiki or SMW) in
order to represent the complex relationships between these three categories,
while the MediaWiki software was customized through extensions. Extensions
are parts of the MediaWiki software, often coded or edited by computer scien-
tists and a community of software engineers that keeps MediaWiki up to date
and functional. For the most part, in line with MediaWiki open access policy,
extensions are shared openly and widely (MediaWiki 2024a)
In HEALD, a specific term (keyword) is described through its usage in
common texts (letter, inventory, surveys, diaries) or by citations in dictiona-
ries, treaties, and published material; as well as through its relationship to
visual sources, which are categorized into inscribed, associated, or attributed
The relationship between keywords and historic visual documents was first
established in the book on which the repository is based (O’Malley 2010),
while additional relationships were formulated following an analysis of the
specificity of the content in a digital environment. At the same time, similarly
to a dictionary or an encyclopedia, the repository includes descriptive pages
pertaining to keywords, places, and people. A descriptive page for a keyword
helps define how and when the term emerged and how it changed overtime.
A descriptive page of a place and/ or of a person, traces and contextualizes
their history. Descriptions have been written by multiple contributors over
This investigation stems from my experience working on HEALD in collaboration
with the Director of the project and former Associate Dean Therese O’Malley and the Digital
Research Officer Matthew J. Westerby. HEALD digital repository is based on the publication
by Therese O’Malley (2010).
A full description of this upgrade is available on the HEALD website.
According to ones familiarity with MediaWiki, it might be necessary to consult with a
software developer in order to use, install, update an extension.
An inscribed image incorporates the word; An associated image is related to the term
less directly, by a contemporaneous description of the feature; attributed images, are those for
which there are no inscribed terms or associated texts.
86 Valeria Federici
. A person (under the category People) is featured for using a keyword
in writing or for their relevance to the overall topic of the project. A loca-
tion (under the category Places) is featured in reference to a person or to a
keyword (for instance, The National Monument). Keywords, Places, and People
are interconnected throughout the repository not only via descriptions, but
also via internal hyperlinks, an indexical way to establish connections among
items included in a MediaWiki page. This feature is native to the software
markup language (MediaWiki 2024b). Although the content in HEALD is
organized so to prioritize Keywords, the written texts intertwine and are in
conversation with images of paintings, drawings, architectural plans, ceramics,
photographs, and more.
Regarding the semantic values added to HEALD following the upgrade,
standard vocabularies (Getty AAT, TGN, ULAN
; Library of Congress (LOC)
Name Authority) were used, when applicable, to label peoples and locations
name, dates, coordinates, etc. Other novel attributes interlace an image to a
person (through the value [has person]) or to a location (through the value [has
place]) or both. Inserting values within square brackets is also a native aspect
to the WikiMedia markup language. In order to record whether a keyword is
inscribed, associated, or attributed to an image, such detail was added as a se-
mantic value, which is exportable (see RDF
string below). Both standard and
customized semantics are applied with the MediaWiki extension Page Form
Last, cited publications are gathered in a dedicated Zotero library (Zotero
2021). When applicable, a Zotero ID appears in the image page so to allow a
direct link from a visual source to a publication
. The layering of attributes
makes the content accessible by multiple points: via its descriptive texts; via
the image collection; via the relationship between images and keywords, places,
or people; via its extended bibliography.
As mentioned, MediaWiki is set to interact with new software thanks to
a community of worldwide developers invested in the tenet of open access.
In line with this principle, and with a recent trend in museum openness, the
customized code used for HEALD is available on GitHub (GitHub 2021).
MediaWiki, as utilized by HEALD, integrates a clean interface with SQL, a
widely used database language. All these characteristics make HEALD a dig-
ital product easy to maintain, to implement, and to possibly migrate. The
semantic web is used to turn data into information and to preserve content
At the time of writing, there are approximately more than 220 content pages.
Getty Art and Architecture Thesaurus, Thesaurus of Geographic Names, Union List
of Artist Names.
Resource Description Framework.
Page Forms has been developed by Wikiworks.
See HEALD: Anonymous, Two Ornamental Ice Houses Above Ground, 1846”
(HEALD n.d.a).
A humanistic approach to datacation 87
since the descriptive metadata can be exported in RDF and retrieved. The use
of standardized vocabularies (AAT, TGN, ULAN, LOC) makes possible to
interlace the history of places and people as uniquely featured in HEALD with
potentially other datasets that use the same sets of attributes. Nonetheless, the
standardization posed a limit to the relationships expressed within the project,
in particular as it relates to keywords and images. This limit was overcome by
adding a string of property to be exportable as RDF:
<property:Keyword rdf:resource=”
<property:Keyword_relationship rdf:datatype=”http://www.”>Inscribed</property:Keyword_re-
Even though the two strings are unique to HEALD, they exist within a
set of parameters (in this case, rdf:resource and rdf:datatype) that makes them
recognizable and reusable. In this case, in particular, the goal is to preserve
the relationship between the image and the keyword (inscribed) and to make
this information retrievable. To extend upon this example, a more articulated
section of the RDF export shows how information pertaining to the afore-
mentioned relationships, object details, as well as bibliographic references in-
<swivt:wikiNamespace rdf:datatype=”
<property:Keyword rdf:resource=”
<property:Keyword rdf:resource=”
<property:Keyword_relationship rdf:datatype=”http://www.”>Inscribed</property:Keyword_re-
<property:Keyword_relationship rdf:datatype=”http://www.”>Associated</property:Keyword_
File-3A0999.jpg is the object name; “Picturesque” is the term associated
with the architectural style depicted; “Icehouse” is the inscribed term con-
This string is taken from the RDF export of an image in the HEALD online reposi-
tory: File-3A0999.jpg.
88 Valeria Federici
tained in the historic publication. Then, a second part of the same extract
contains information about the publication:
<property:Date rdf:datatype=”
<property:Date-23aux rdf:datatype=”
<owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:about=”
The RDF above has been edited to reflect only the file name and the publi-
cation date (File-3A0999.jpg-23Publication), along with the publication ID
(Property-3AReference_ID), which refers to its record in Zotero.
One of the main concerns of implementing HEALD semantically, was to
avoid divesting HEALD content of its context, both digital (the current pla-
tform used) and historical (the elements described in the essays that explain
keywords, people, and places). It is clear that a process of reduction must occur
in order to create the strings of code necessary to capture the relationship
between these elements. Adding semantic values to textual descriptions im-
plied a reduction of the content to essential details, such as relationship, whi-
ch are expressed with the value Keyword_relationship. The semantic value has
been utilized as additional content to be read, analyzed, and considered in
conjunction with existing descriptions, and with the art historical research at
the core of the project. In other words, semantic values were taken and used
for what they could offer, i.e., retrievable and archivable data, and were elabo-
rated through the lens of the art historical research central to the project.
This way of recording content cannot be considered as a way of preserving
in its true sense, for it will not recreate the digital environment in which the
data was originally featured. However, it allows for both data and metadata
to be reloaded in a new digital environment, in order to be further utilized
for data visualizations or data analysis or else. By populating the semantic
data with additional information that speaks to the context within which the
history of American landscape design unfolds, users can export content for
further research or adopt or expand on the customized relational model for
their digital art history research projects. Along with data enrichment based on
the semantic web, the project will maintain fundamental aspects of HEALD’s
digital functionalities. The most relevant outcome pertaining to this analysis
is then to consider the semantics as additional values and not as a reduction of
content and context.
A humanistic approach to datacation 89
Based on this project, I continue to delve into aspects of digital obsolescen-
ce and digital curation by moving onto my second case study.
3. EduEDA, The Educational Encyclopedia of Digital Arts
In 2004, Tommaso Tozzi, a Florence-based net artist and activist, initiated
an online project called WikiARTpedia that received an Honorary Mention at
the Ars Electronica Festival of Linz, Austria in 2009 (Ars Electronica 2022). In
2012, WikiARTpedia became EduEDA, The Educational Encyclopedia of Digi-
tal Arts: an open research platform for networks about information technology
culture. The main goal of EduEDA, as expressed on its website, is «to create
a national and international network of people and institutions in order to
collectively promote and disseminate digital arts» (EduEDA 2022). EduEDA
is a collective effort with numerous media partners and supported by both the
Academy of Fine Art of Carrara and of Florence, among other institutions.
The platform is an incredibly vast repository of network art and art practices
that use information technology, and it includes instances of precursors to
such practices, such as conceptual art and Fluxus. EduEDA also includes ar-
tistic experiences and practices that remained marginalized in the overall art
historical narratives of digital art. Unfortunately, among these artistic experi-
ences, those pertaining to the Italian context, continue to be underrepresented
in the global histories of digital art
. The recently launched Net Art Anthology
by Rhizome at the New Museum has almost entirely bypassed the experience
of Italian Net Art, with the exception of Life Sharing (2000-2003) by Eva and
Franco Mattes, aka 01.ORG (Net Art Anthology 2017).
EduEDA, which like HEALD, runs on MediaWiki, only partially includes
image files and – for the most part – compiles links to artists’ or institutions
websites. It resembles Wikipedia in the way it is organized, with a menu that
includes items such as artists, artworks, genres or artistic movements, cross search,
space, time, macro categories, and related descriptive pages. Equally to HEALD,
EduEDA is a collection of works that often reside in other locations, at times
preserved by different institutions, online or offline, and it features internal
hyperlinks. As mentioned, this is a core characteristic of MediaWiki markup
language, made possible by inserting the name of a page in the back-end editor
within double square brackets, as in the example that follows: [[name of the
page]] (MediaWiki 2024d).
In order to maintain the collective character of EduEDA, Tommaso Tozzi
adopted an open source software that allows everyone to contribute. However,
For instance, the BBS called The Thing, founded by Wolfgang Sthaele around the
same time than Tozzi made Hacker Art BBS is often cited as part of the history of Net Art
along with the netstrikes conducted by Ricardo Dominguez since 1998; while Hacker Art BBS
is absent from art historical accounts on the subject.
90 Valeria Federici
unlike HEALD, EduEDA does not use Semantic MediaWiki (SMW). Lets
consider whether the project could benefit from semantic values and how. On
EduEDA, the works are listed in alphabetical order (which is a default setting
of MediaWiki that creates page lists by using a label called Category). As noted,
the platform does not use standard vocabularies, which means that it is not
currently possible to interlace, compare or contrast its content with similar
information available online, and it is not possible to export any of it via RDF
or to share it through Linked Open Data.
EduEDA features a crossed search section that allows users to find elements
in the repository that are intertwined. If one clicks on the crossed search tab,
they are taken to a page where it is possible to launch queries into a database in
which information is organized into categories: dates, locations, topics, pub-
lications, and so forth. This section of EduEDA has been implemented via
Prototype, whose last version was released in 2015 (Prototype 2015). This is
a significant tool within EduEDA, especially since search capabilities are often
problematic, given the complexity of data relationships and interconnections
among this kind of objects. The categories are ordered in a JSON file and are
retrievable. However, in order to be found, they require a less intuitive path
than an RDF export, as offered by SMW. Here below is an extract from a
JSON file pertaining to the crossed search within the category Net Art (EduE-
DA n.d.a):
if(cat == “arte_delle_reti”){
elementi = [“Arte digitale”, “Arte elettronica”, “Arte in rete”, “Arte telematica”, ”As-
cii art”, “Browser art”, “Software art”, “Web art”, “Conservazione dell’arte digitale”,
“Cracker art”, “Cyberfemminismo”, “Database art”, “Flood net”, “Form art”, “Game
art”, “Hacker art”];
Two important observations can be drawn from analyzing this portion of
the JSON file. First, this categorization shows that extensive manual labor
would be necessary to potentially retrieve this content for preservation pur-
poses or to utilize it on a different platform. Second, from a strictly digital art
historical standpoint, this categorization reveals the difficulty of classification.
It is compelling to see that, in order to strategically include as many cate-
gories as possible under the label of Net Art, a macro-label was created and
then subdivided into “elementi” (elements). Unfortunately, the crossed search
section of EduEDA does not seem to have been created for purposes other
than browsing its content online, and does not offer other insights into the
digital methodological approach to information visualization. This section of
EduEDA therefore allows for exploration of how its content interlaces, but it
does not currently enable exploration of those relationships computationally.
A series of changes could be applied to the current structure of EduEDA
or similar repositories. Whether or not these changes take place, they could
A humanistic approach to datacation 91
be helpful in suggesting a roadmap for digital repositories that can be used for
several inter-sectorial purposes within disciplines that share a common digital
ground of investigation. In addition, since MediaWiki is already set up for the
semantic web, it might be possible to upgrade EduEDA without necessarily
rebuilding it. I believe it is necessary for a current version of EduEDA to be
kept as an additional tile in the technological history of network culture. As
noted by Christiane Paul, «writing an history of new media and preserving the
art itself will require new models and criteria for documenting and preserv-
ing process and instability» (Paul 2008, 6). The scenario of new media art is
fragmented and these new models and criteria seem to be inevitably unstable,
transitory, and multifarious. In order to formulate a proposal to use the mate-
rial made available by Tozzi for research and exhibition purposes, I take into
consideration two factors: first, such a material can be divided into reproduced
and duplicable following the model laid out by Ippolito (2008). With regard
to the artistic practices similar to Tozzis, reproduced work consists of digitized
tapes of live performances, happenings, or events that were transferred to a
digital format. In contrast, duplicable work consists of those projects that were
born digital. Additionally, an element of the work is unreproducible, namely
the context in which these artistic experiences took place, specifically those
produced during the two decades prior to the 2000s.
That being said, the areas to edit or enhance would be the following:
1. Description of the work (adopting standard vocabularies);
2. Format of the available files;
3. Search feature and tagging (adding metadata; using Semantic Me-
4. Usability of the content (RDF, CSV, XML exports).
A platform including more uniform descriptions, with details on file for-
mats, duration of the work, code structure, and enriched metadata, should
also enable the use of its content by exhibition makers. I will not go into de-
tails regarding points 1 to 3, which are rather self-explanatory. Rather, in order
to further investigate digital curatorship, I will focus on point 4: Usability of
the content.
This feature can be particularly useful for exhibition purposes. While put-
ting together a new media art exhibition, it should be possible to borrow ex-
tant projects from an online repository with proper acknowledgement of all
the stakeholders involved. Enhancing this feature could lead to the creation
of a shared new media art platform from which any institution could borrow
the work (by downloading it or by presenting it in a browser) for the duration
of an exhibition. Such a platform would then serve the much larger goal of
preserving, presenting, and researching new media art experiences as occurred
92 Valeria Federici
prior to the 2000s. The latter is historically illustrated in EduEDA by descrip-
tive pages whose content is not marked semantically.
This way, EduEDA will have more than just links to existing resources, as
it will include the work, or a simulation of it, in whichever available format. It
will still serve as the aggregator it is now – extensive and complex – and it will
build on its already well-established practice of working collaboratively with
multiple institutions. Another difference between this platform and existing
ones will be the inclusion of the neglected history of Italian new media art.
To serve this purpose, the platform should, however, be available in multiple
languages (EduEDA n.d.b)
Similarly to HEALD, the repository could have a point of entry to its con-
tent through image files rather than exclusively via text. HEALD image col-
lection allows users to start exploring its vast content by directly clicking on
one of the images contained in the collection (HEALD n.d.b). Images reveal
their relationship to other elements of the projects through icons, and through
a system of filters that guides user’s exploration. Last, I contend that what was
once considered the disturbing office-like aspect of early new media art exhi-
bitions, will no longer concern exhibition makers nor viewers (Federici 2019).
It is plausible to consider that, for the most part, viewers are now familiar with
information technology, and will be more inclined to explore simulations of
early new media artwork. The technological and temporal distance betwe-
en current devices and those employed prior to the 2000s may facilitate an
exploration of the latter in a gallery or museum setting due to the visual cues
that would allow the viewer to see the old devices as ancestors of more recent
By combining knowledge, methods, and tools already available across dis-
ciplines and projects that deal with the digital realm, the investigation of dig-
ital objects can be further enhanced. All these disciplines already share the
same computational and datafied language. The purpose of this exploration is
to find a common ground from which they can all benefit. I will summarize a
possible common path able to serve projects as diverse as HEALD and EduE-
DA in the conclusions.
4. Conclusions
This article focused on the open access software MediaWiki, utilized by
both HEALD and EduEDA, which «is used by tens of thousands of websi-
tes and thousands of companies and organizations. [MediaWiki is] power-
ful, multilingual, free and open, extensible, customizable, reliable, and free of
charge» (MediaWiki 2023a). Nonetheless, it is not intuitive and arguably it is
At the time of writing, only 99 items in EduEDA have been translated into English.
A humanistic approach to datacation 93
not user friendly. However, the general consensus is that MediaWiki is a good
software insofar as it is free and open, well maintained, and widely used. It is
designed to allow users to edit, update, and delete content
. All textual con-
tent of is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution/
Share-Alike License (CC BY-SA) and the GNU Free Documentation License
(GFDL) – software can be copied and modified – except for pages that expli-
citly state that their contents are in the public domain (MediaWiki 2023b).
A Creative Commons license entails that the software can be shared – copied
and redistributed in any medium or format – and adapted – remixed, transfor-
med, and built upon (Creative Commons n.d.).
Although it was never conceived as a digital art history tool, MediaWiki
embeds significant components and possibilities that can serve the discipline
well. One of these components is Semantic MediaWiki; while its extensions
can make the software quite versatile since their development is ongoing and
responds to an ever-changing digital environment. One example is the latest
implementation of an extension that works with IIIF (International Image
Interoperability Framework), a tool widely used in image-based research (Me-
diaWiki 2024c). The combined analysis of projects as diverse as HEALD and
EduEDA demonstrates how adaptable MediaWiki can be and how it can sup-
port a digital art historical investigation, since it allows for the handling of
complex object relationships between textual and visual content.
MediaWiki records a project’s development by retaining the history of how
and when each page of a digital repository is edited. This functionality can be
significantly helpful. Process history is generally accepted, or even in demand,
in database-driven tools for digital asset management (particularly in museu-
ms, in order to avoid losing an objects provenance or exhibition history, for
instance). Nonetheless, it is often overlooked in the field of digital humanities
and digital art history, whose tools tend to replicate the transparency (obli-
teration) model mentioned in the introduction. This is particularly true in
case of data visualizations, which are highly mediated. Along with clarifying
the process through which a digital project is conceptualized, and eventually
displayed, the history of process itself is a rather critical aspect to consider. For
instance, it helps to track users’ interventions, in particular when a large team
is working on the same project over an extended period of time. In addition,
it testifies to the various steps, successes, and pitfalls that might characterize
the creation of large repositories, and perhaps it may lead to a specific change
of direction or compromise.
The overall goal is not to present MediaWiki as a panacea for the many
aspects discussed throughout this article that pertain to the larger field of digi-
tal art history and are highlighted in the cited literature, but rather to contem-
This functionality can be turned off, and in general users’ accessibility and editing
capabilities can be diversified.
94 Valeria Federici
plate the complexity of MediaWiki as an advantage. Given the structure and
potential of the software, one wonders whether it can be used to combine tho-
se aspects. Complexity and contextualization are necessary to unravel research
in the humanities. Along with standard ontologies, MediaWiki allows for the
use of additional unscripted semantic categories. As a result, the digital reposi-
tories analyzed here are an example of how to integrate elements of computing
with the multifarious landscape of research in the humanities – not necessarily
innovatively, but coordinately.
Another goal of this investigation has been to reflect on how data is turned
into information by looking at the interstices of this transformation rather
than taking it for granted. Accordingly, I explored possible ways to intervene
on how digital content is made and displayed. As a critical reflection on the
term datafication and the implications of using the semantic web and web
ontologies in digital art history, this article investigated the affordance given to
data, in general, and its impact on the humanities, in particular. In addition,
it touched upon aspects of digital curatorship and preservation, encouraging
an active use of existing digital tools and practices with the intent to shape the
digital realm through humanistic methodologies and approaches, rather than
yielding to computing unconditionally. The turning of data into information,
which is one of the main conundrums for humanists dealing with computa-
tional methods, can be done by shifting attention to the process, by highli-
ghting and discussing the choices made, and most importantly, by engaging
with the complexity of both computing and humanistic research. This appro-
ach, which is not novel, is not dismissive of quantitative research, but it does
not prioritize it. Rather, it considers its potential – such as the exportability of
data – without denying its limits.
By analyzing the recent upgrade to HEALD (HEALD 2021b), I highli-
ghted that web vocabularies are only one way to express meaning and do not
necessarily entail one way of interpreting it. Although the semantic web now
allows for HEALDs online content to be retrieved, exported, migrated, and
further analyzed, it will not prevent the loss of the original digital environment
in which the project took form. This aspect speaks to digital preservation as
well as to digital curatorship. The latter, in particular, is another element that
tends to go unnoticed, even though digital projects are always delivered via a
web-based interface or a website available to the public, and they are often de-
veloped with an ideal user and/or a specific mode of navigation in mind. The
fact that users browse platforms differently and have varying needs in terms of
inclusivity and accessibility – which is a fundamental aspect that interests di-
gital curatorship greatly – is not always considered in database-driven tools. As
highlighted in the discussion on the HEALD upgrade and further suggested
by the investigation of EduEDA, allowing users to enter or explore content
A humanistic approach to datacation 95
from multiple points of access can unleash research potential, enhance content
exploration, and improve navigation experience.
It should also be noted that, for the most part, the case studies presented
here pertain to archives of reproductions. That means that much of the work
on display underwent a process of digitization. While all image files in HE-
ALD pertained to digitized objects, the work featured in EduEDA is either
digital or digitized. In the case of EduEDA, digitization was used as needed in
order to align the work under the same computational language. This inclu-
des, for instance, early performance work, and other artistic interventions that
were recorded on tape and then digitized, as well as works that used to run on
or were made with software that is no longer available. These works can re-live
as a simulation by using a software that acts like the old version of the one ori-
ginally used. Other have explored this path. For instance, the project ArtBase
by Rhizome offers emulations of “expired” software to reproduce an artwork
on a current framework (Rhizome 2021)
. The question yet to be answered
is not whether good tools for digital art history exist, rather whether we can
create models, structures, and roadmaps to avoid redundancy while embracing
interdisciplinary methods.
Therefore, I have juxtaposed aspects of seemingly distinct disciplines – na-
mely digital art history, digitized art history, digital curatorship, and digital
preservation – in order to glean insights that these fields can share as we na-
vigate the digital realm. HEALD and EduEDA shed light on, and eventually
helped to come to terms with, relevant aspects of the digital that pertain to
both digital-born and non-digital-born artefacts, namely the difference betwe-
en reproduced and duplicable items. This difference can be stretched further to
be considered close to the distinction that Drucker (2013) draws between di-
gitized art history and digital art history. Perhaps this distinction is more use-
ful at a granular level of object analysis rather than at macro disciplinary level.
Since the digital realm and tools allow for information to be reproduced,
duplicated, and replicated, we are no longer dealing with unique artefacts or
objects, but items that are ubiquitous and whose originality as a concept and
methodological approach has run into the sand. This is not to say that a cle-
ar distinction should not exist. The information pertaining to the origin of
content is still precious and should be included within the metadata as well as
indicated by labels. At the same time, specific scholarly competencies within
the different fields should be regarded. However, once the object enters the
digital sphere, it becomes ubiquitous, reproducible, and transferable, and our
approach to it should embrace these inherent aspects. For this reason, and be-
cause of the ways in which the digital realm has changed the work that huma-
nists do and how it is done, aspects of digital curatorship, digital conservation,
Rhizome has recently relaunched their project ArtBase in an attempt to continue
preserving digital born artefacts.
96 Valeria Federici
and digitized art history could exist under the umbrella of digital art history,
adopting those distinctions as they pertain to the object at a micro level. These
disciplines all operate on and with overlapping methodologies, and could all
benefit from a crosspollination rather than compartmentalization.
Finally, by highlighting HEALD upgrade and suggesting similar interven-
tions for EduEDA, I hope to have demonstrated how to practically move step
by step toward an extended and extensive, yet obviously not comprehensive
digital art history, characterized by datafication. The first step of this analysis
illustrated the use of freely available software (MediaWiki), particularly for
its ability to record process-oriented projects. Second, I showed how the rela-
tionships characterizing the material (reproduced or duplicable) have been con-
ceptualized, defined, and described (semantic web). By doing so, I observed
how information has been reduced to fit the process of datafication; Third, I
considered how to best represent these relationships for preservation purposes
(RDF export). Fourth, I addressed user interaction and project accessibility
(points of access); Fifth, I also considered the opportunity to share data via
existing open data initiatives (Linked Open Data; GitHub). Last, I discussed
the possibility of customizing the software to adapt its functionality to the
content under investigation (extensions). This path can offer different layers
of content fruition and different layers of object analysis. It can help maintain
a clear focus on how to approach the digital to serve different objectives and
incentivize the creation of additional shared models (similarly to the shared
vocabularies) for others to adopt.
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ISBN 979-12-5965-456-4 ISSN 1121-0095
AIDAinformazioni Anno 42 – N. 3-4 – luglio-dicembre 2024
Rivista semestrale di Scienze dell’Informazione
Anno 42
N. 3-4 – luglio-dicembre 2024
A A
Il nuovo regolamento eIDAS e alcune “quisquilie
F B, MT
Exploration du réseau numérique YouTube
autour de la santé des militaires: quelles sont les
thématiques des discours, les sources d’informations
et les acteurs de la communication?
E C, L F
Assisted morbidity coding: the SISCO.web
use case for identifying the main diagnosis in
Hospital Discharge Records
V F
A humanistic approach to datafication
R P
Testimonianze di un impegno culturale per
l’Università di Salerno. Le carte di Alfonso
F S, A B,
E G, S M
CompL-it: a Computational Lexicon of Italian
C G
Non solo libri
In copertina
Disegno di Paul Otlet, Collections Mundaneum, centre d’Archives, Mons (Belgique).