AIDAinformazioni Anno 42 – N. 3-4 – luglio-dicembre 2024
Editrice: Cacucci Editore S.a.s.
Via D. Nicolai, 39 – 70122 Bari (BA)
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Proprietario della rivista:
Università della Calabria
Direttore Scientico:
Roberto Guarasci, Università della Calabria
Direttore Responsabile:
Fabrizia Flavia Sernia
Comitato scientico:
Anna Rovella, Università della Calabria;
Maria Guercio, Sapienza Università di Roma;
Giovanni Adamo, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche †;
Claudio Gnoli, Università degli Studi di Pavia;
Ferruccio Diozzi, Centro Italiano Ricerche Aerospaziali;
Gino Roncaglia, Università della Tuscia;
Laurence Favier, Université Charles-de-Gaulle Lille 3;
Madjid Ihadjadene, Université Vincennes-Saint-Dénis Paris 8;
Maria Mirabelli, Università della Calabria;
Agustín Vivas Moreno, Universidad de Extremadura;
Douglas Tudhope, University of South Wales;
Christian Galinski, International Information Centre for Terminology;
Béatrice Daille, Université de Nantes;
Alexander Murzaku, College of Saint Elizabeth, USA;
Federico Valacchi, Università di Macerata.
Comitato di redazione:
Antonietta Folino, Università della Calabria;
Erika Pasceri, Università della Calabria;
Maria Taverniti, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche;
Maria Teresa Chiaravalloti, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche;
Assunta Caruso, Università della Calabria;
Claudia Lanza, Università della Calabria.
Segreteria di Redazione:
Valeria Rovella, Università della Calabria
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Anno 42
N. 3-4 – luglio-dicembre 2024
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A A, Il nuovo regolamento eIDAS e alcune “quisquilie
archivistiche 9
F B, MT, Exploration du réseau numérique
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discours, les sources d’informations et les acteurs de la communication? 29
E C, L F, Assisted morbidity coding: the
SISCO.web use case for identifying the main diagnosis in Hospital
Discharge Records 51
V F, A humanistic approach to datafication 79
R P, Testimonianze di un impegno culturale per
l’Università di Salerno. Le carte di Alfonso Menna 101
F S, A B, E G,
S M, CompL-it: a Computational Lexicon of Italian 119
C G, Non solo libri 151
ISSN 1121–0095
ISBN 979-12-5965-456-4
DOI 10.57574/596545643
pag. 51-78 (luglio-dicembre 2024)
Assisted morbidity coding: the SISCO.web
use case for identifying the main diagnosis in
Hospital Discharge Records
Elena Cardillo
, Lucilla Frattura
Abstract: Coding morbidity data using international standard diagnostic classifications is in-
creasingly important and still challenging. Clinical coders and physicians assign codes to pa-
tient episodes based on their interpretation of case notes or electronic patient records. There-
fore, accurate coding relies on the legibility of case notes and the coders’ understanding of
medical terminology. During the last ten years, many studies have shown poor reproducibility
of clinical coding, even recently, with the application of Artificial Intelligence-based models.
Given this context, the paper aims to present the SISCO.web approach designed to support
physicians in filling in Hospital Discharge Records with proper diagnoses and procedures
codes using the International Classification of Diseases (9
and 10
revisions), and, above all,
in identifying the main pathological condition. The web service leverages NLP algorithms,
specific coding rules, as well as ad hoc decision trees to identify the main condition, showing
promising results in providing accurate ICD coding suggestions.
Keywords: Coding Support Systems, Hospital Discharge Records, ICD, Morbidity coding,
Coding Rules.
1. Introduction
The proper use of standard classifications, such as the International Clas-
sification of Diseases (ICD) and coding of morbidity data has always been
fundamental for all general epidemiological and many health-management
purposes (WHO 2016). One example is the use of the information flow of
the Hospital Discharge Records (SDO) collected in national databases for mo-
nitoring hospitalization episodes provided in public and private hospitals and
thus the provision of hospital assistance. This has become an indispensable
tool for both administrative analyses (i.e., for accurate billing) and clinical
Institute of Informatics and Telematics, National Research Council (IIT-CNR), Ren-
de, Italy.
Azienda Sanitaria Universitaria Giuliano Isontina (ASUGI), Udine, Italy. lucilla.frattu-
52 Elena Cardillo, Lucilla Frattura
elaborations (e.g., health quality assessment), which can bring to the planning
of new measures to support healthcare and welfare activities or to more strictly
clinical-epidemiological and outcome analyses.
In this frame, although approaches to coding vary across institutions, cli-
nical coding specialists frequently perform coding retrospectively. The assign-
ment of codes to each patient episode of care during hospitalization is deter-
mined by different factors, among others by the coders interpretation of the
available case notes or the completeness of the electronic health records. As a
result, accurate coding is dependent on both the intelligibility of the case notes
and the coders’ knowledge of medical terminology (Sundararajan et al. 2015).
Several studies have indicated poor reproducibility of clinical coding (Ta-
tham 2008) and poor accuracy which seems not dependent on the version of
the standard coding system used, which in the case of SDO is ICD (Quan et
al. 2014).
In recent years, even if the application of artificial intelligence (AI) has
begun to attract and, in some cases, assist clinicians in the practice of medical
coding, the performances achieved by AI models do not meet expectations.
Many studies have proven this, especially concerning inadequate levels of data
coding accuracy (less than 50%) and high computational costs (Falis et al.
2024; Soroush et al. 2024). This means that more reliable and trustworthy
systems are required to support physicians or coders in speeding up the coding
process while retaining the necessary precision.
Given this context, the paper aims to describe the results of the “SISCO.
web” project
, whose scope was to design and implement a Coding Support Sy-
stem (CSS), in the form of a web service, to improve accuracy in coding health
conditions in Italian Hospital Discharge Records (SDO). The main objective
of the service is to support Italian physicians (coders) in morbidity coding, and
more specifically in the coding of diagnoses and procedures/interventions using
revision, Clinical Modifications (ICD-9-CM), mandatory in Italy,
and, more notably, in identifying the “main condition” to be filled in SDOs.
The paper is structured as follows: Section 2 provides background infor-
mation on using and coding SDO, and describes the applied methodology.
Section 3 showcases the results and includes a preliminary evaluation. Section
4 presents some related works, and finally, Section 5 offers conclusions and
future directions.
The “SISCO.web” project, funded by the Friuli Venezia Giulia (FVG) Region and
coordinated by the Italian Collaborating center of the World Health Organization Family
of International Classifications (WHO-FIC) in Udine through the Azienda Sanitaria Bassa
Friulana Isontina n. 2 (incorporated now into the “Azienda sanitaria universitaria Giuliano
Isontina” - ASUGI) was executed from 2017 to 2021 and led to the development of a proto-
type (SISCO.web service) which can assist clinicians in coding SDO data using ICD-9-CM,
but it is also set up to support ICD-10 coding.
Assisted morbidity coding 53
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Hospital Discharge Records
The Hospital Discharge Record Database was established, in Italy, with the
Decree of the Ministry of Health on 28 December 1991. It serves as a tool for
collecting information about each patient discharged from public and private
hospitalization institutions across the country. The information gathered in
each SDO includes, beyond the patients characteristics (e.g., age, sex, etc.),
the peculiarities of the hospitalization (e.g., institution and discharge discipli-
ne, method of discharge, etc.) and, above all, clinical features (e.g., the main
diagnosis, concomitant diagnoses, diagnostic or therapeutic procedures, and
interventions), excluding information relating to drugs administered during
Subsequently, other decrees introduced new regulations for the informa-
tion flow transmission to the Ministry of Health, expanded the information
content of the SDO, and adopted the international classification ICD-9-CM
version 1997 (Italian Ministry of Health 2000) for the coding of diagnoses
and diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, then updating this regulation with
the adoption of the 2007 Italian version and introducing the adoption of the
Diagnosis Related Group classification (DRG), version 24 for hospital admis-
sions (Italian Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Affairs 2008a).
In 2011, the “It.DRG Project”, coordinated by the Ministry of Health, was
launched to develop a new classification and assessment method for inpatient
care, specific and representative to the Italian context (Sforza et al. 2021).
The objective of this project was: the development and testing of an updated
version of the ICD-10 classification (International Classification of Diseases
and Health Related Problems-10
Revision) that incorporates WHO-appro-
ved updates and makes minor changes, finalizing the so-called Italian modi-
fication of ICD-10 (ICD-10-IM); the development and testing of the Italian
classification of Interventions and Procedures (CIPI), a version of the section
on procedures and interventions of ICD-9-CM modified and supplemented,
to adapt it to specific Italian needs and to provide for integration with codes
that allow for the detection of information on: (i) Procedures/treatments pro-
vided (also) in ambulatory care; (ii) Medical-surgical devices; (iii) High-cost
drugs; and iii) finally, a new version of the DRG system (Nonis et al. 2018).
Despite the significant outcomes of the “It.DRG project” for innovating
and improving SDO data management, there is a need to create a roadmap
for implementing the new classifications, especially ICD-10, in a more sim-
plified manner. This involves using crosswalking tables to ICD-10-IM and
Hospital Discharge Records database (HDR/SDO), see for details European Health
Information Portal (2023).
54 Elena Cardillo, Lucilla Frattura
confirming the planned current version of DRG classification. The attention
in this paper is paid primarily to a tool for coding diagnoses and intervention
using ICD-9-CM, with the understanding that the mentioned crosswalking
tables for coding diagnoses in ICD-10-IM can be easily implemented in the
tool’s architecture.
2.1.1. The International Classification of Disease
The International Classification of Disease is the most known and widely
used standardized WHO classification system, which was originally intended
to facilitate the statistical analysis of health data (Moriyama et al. 2011). Each
successive revision to the ICD, typically spanning 10-20 years, has sought to
address new use cases while adapting to advances in medicine and healthcare
and has continued to grow in number of total codes (Williamson et al. 2024).
The tenth version has approximately 14,000 codes for health conditions,
signs, symptoms, and reasons to encounter health services. This revision has
then been renewed with the implementation of the eleventh revision of the
classification, ICD-11 (World Health Organization 2019/2021), developed
thanks to an unprecedented collaboration between WHO working groups,
knowledge engineers and informaticians from Stanford University (USA), and
professionals all over the world to become a global standard for health data,
clinical documentation and statistical aggregation. It presents a new coding
structure compared to previous revisions and is fully digital for the first time.
The basic component is an underlying ontology database containing all ICD
entities (over 55,000 unique entities)
. The new structure, its digital nature,
and the tools provided to support the use of the classification enhanced its
application flexibility. Moreover, it is interoperable with health information
systems and other coding systems.
As mentioned above, in Italy, ICD-9-CM is used for morbidity coding,
containing over 15,000 diagnosis codes. Its use is also recommended in pri-
mary care prescription documents and for diagnoses and problems encoding
in the Italian Patient Summary (Italian Permanent working table for Digital
health in Regions and Autonomous Provinces 2010) each entity within the
ICD-9-CM is encoded by a unique identification string consisting of three to
five digits and an optional single letter prefix corresponding to a supplementa-
ry category. Practical applications of the ICD in healthcare have expanded and
now have come to include the indexing of health record data in hospitals, the
These entities include diseases, injuries, external causes, signs and symptoms, substanc-
es, drugs, anatomy, etc., pointing to about 17,000 categories, for over 120,000 clinical terms
covered, allowing the description of health conditions at any level of detail by combining
Assisted morbidity coding 55
coding of medical billing claims (Moriyama et al. 2011), and the assessment
of quality of patient care (O’Malley et al. 2005).
2.1.2. The coding of the main condition
A coded health data record can have a varying number of diagnostic codes.
Some authors, considering that there is no uniform definition of “main condi-
tion”, noted that one of these diagnoses must be coded as the main condition,
known also as “main diagnosis”, “primary diagnosis”, “principal diagnosis or
discharge diagnosis” (Sukanya 2017).
Two definitions have been used for themain condition in ICD-coded he-
alth data: a “resource use” definition and a “reason for admission” definition.
In Italy, the first definition is implemented, as said above, in detecting and co-
ding the discharge diagnosis using ICD-9-CM, 2007 version (Italian Ministry
of Labor, Health and Social Affairs 2008b). In the Italian SDO, it is necessary
to code the main diagnosis, and several other diagnoses related to the hospital
episode of care. The mentioned national database on SDO contains more
than 290 million records (7,957,647 only in 2023). Annual reports are avai-
lable for download from the website of the Italian Ministry of Health (Italian
Ministry of Health 2024). Coding of these records is made directly by clini-
cians and health professionals, with some levels of accuracy monitoring at the
hospital and regional level before the data are sent to the Ministry of Health
periodically. This richness of data must face with its accuracy. Several Italian
studies are available showing low accuracy in coding. Hospital discharge data
were found to be specific but insensitive in many fields. For example, the
reporting of acute ischemic stroke and thrombolysis provides misleading indi-
cations about both thequantity and quality of acute ischemic stroke hospital
care in many studies (Rinaldi et al. 2003; Spolaore et al. 2005). Other studies
show that Hospital discharge records appear to poorly reflect the incidence of
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and can be used only after clinical verification of
the diagnosis (Chiò et al. 2002). Moreover, looking at (Amodio et al. 2014),
the diagnosis of influenza seems to be overcoded. Nevertheless, based on the
retrieved evidence, administrative databases can be employed to identify pri-
mary breast cancer. The best algorithm suggested is ICD-9 or ICD-10 codes
located in theprimary position (Abraha et al. 2018). At an international level,
many studies confirmed that physicians do not code the disease in SDOs ac-
cording to the main diagnosis principles (Wang et al. 2021). It is observed that
in many cases, the main diagnosis is mistaken for an outpatient diagnosis, ma-
king it more difficult to identify when multiple diseases occur simultaneously
or in cases of complications. These studies reveal that physicians still require
support to collect, classify, analyze, and use medical record information accor-
ding to disease classification criteria.
56 Elena Cardillo, Lucilla Frattura
2.2. The SISCO.web approach
The main scope of the SISCO.web service, as mentioned above, is to sup-
port the coding of SDOs, guiding the physicians to identify and code the
main condition, allowing the most appropriate ICD-9-CM codes, and in the
future ICD-10 codes. This means that its function is to guide the user before
the compilation of the SDOs, to choose and assign appropriate ICD codes to
the diagnostic formulations available in medical record documentation col-
lected during patient hospitalization, and, further, to identify among different
diagnoses, the main one (Cardillo et al. 2019). Peculiarities of this support
system are:
A knowledge base containing clinical concepts, related terms, and map-
pings to ICD-9-CM for managing the transition from the usual scien-
tific language to the coding language. This means, the integration of
such resources with the ICD-9-CM systematic index, the ICD-9-CM
alphabetical index, and other additional terms (synonyms, acronyms,
linguistic variants, common medical terms, etc.);
Standardized coding rules (e.g., “diagnostic and procedure codes are
to be used at their highest level of specificity”; “three-digit codes are
to be assigned only if there are no four-digit codes within that code
category”; etc.);
A rule engine for managing these rules, represented by the Business
Rules Management System (BRMS) “Drools”.
As shown in Fig. 1, the SISCO.web architecture includes three main layers:
1. Presentation layer: handling the interactions that users have with
the software. Here the web component, has a multi-tier architectu-
re, deployed on aTomcat web server, offering two web user interfaces
(WUIs) to support the compilation of SDOs. The WUIs make JSON
calls to the Web Services of the underlying levels, which access the data
resources built by the batch component. The two WUIs allow for two
specific tasks: i) the text encoding WUI (TEM module), which serves
as a coding tool, since it allows for searching clinical terms (diagnoses
and procedures) and suggests the most appropriate ICD-9-CM codes
based on search algorithms and related terms derived from the know-
ledge base; ii) the identification of the main diagnosis WUI (IMDM
module), based on a rule engine that implements a specific decision
tree for choosing and coding the main condition among the multiple
diagnoses selected in the previous step. These two modules will be de-
scribed in detail in the following paragraphs;
2. Application layer: handling the main code definitions and the most
basic functions of the developed application. In SISCO.web this layer
Assisted morbidity coding 57
includes five main functions which will be detailed later (e.g., search,
autocomplete, code Details, use of related Terms for improving search,
coding rules application through the Drools engine);
3. Data layer: which is mainly devoted to data storage. In fact, it houses
not only data but indexes and tables. Here the batch component is
aimed to build the data resources, i.e., the SISCO.web knowledge base,
which is stored on the Apache Lucene Index.
The Apache Lucene Index
, was chosen because it is a valid open-source
tool for retrieving data and information. It provides straightforward Java APIs
for creating text indexes and full-text search with options such as proximity
search, fuzzy search, and score-based sorting, weighted filter search.
To implement the RESTful layer of web services within the system archi-
tecture, we chose Jersey
, an open-source framework based on the JAX-RS
API using annotation-based programming, which simplifies the creation of
RESTful web services. It also facilitates the representation of data in standard
formats such as JSON, XML, and HTML.
Figure 1: SISCO.web architecture.
Apache Lucene is available for download at (Apache Lucene n.d.).
Eclipse Jersey is available for download at (Eclipse Foundation n.d.).
58 Elena Cardillo, Lucilla Frattura
The main process to reach the supported coding of morbidities and proce-
dures and the identification of the main condition is shown in Fig. 2 and can
be briefly described as follows:
1. Using the first module, i.e., TEM, the user starts searching for a dia-
gnosis (one at a time) using the ones reported in the discharge letter
(LDO) of the patient, to look for its ICD-9-CM code;
2. The system applies classic Natural Language Processing (NLP) algori-
thms such as Tokenization, text similarity algorithms to assign the most
appropriate code to the diagnosis plus Decision Trees, and Symbolic
NLP algorithms, i.e., rule-based and knowledge-based algorithms,
relying on predefined linguistic rules and knowledge representations.
For this reason, dictionaries, grammars, and ontologies are used to pro-
cess language;
3. Every time the user searches for a diagnosis and selects one of the results
suggested by the system, a list of coded diagnoses is generated to allow
the user to identify, among these diagnoses the main condition;
4. The same procedure is used to search for procedures and interventions
if reported in the discharge letters, and a second list of coded procedu-
res/interventions will be generated by the system to be used as well by
the IMDM module;
5. These two lists of codes represent the input data for the decision tree
algorithm, which, as described in Subsection 2.2.3., will guide the user
to identify the main pathological condition based on the defined co-
ding rules.
Figure 2: The SISCO.web main process.
To better understand the above-mentioned process, the next subsections
will give details on the knowledge base, the algorithms, the decision tree and
the coding rules used in the two modules to suggest the most appropriate
ICD-9-CM codes.
Assisted morbidity coding 59
2.2.1. The SISCO.web Knowledge Base
The knowledge base (KB) built for the project and used in the TEM inte-
grates a series of terminological resources related to diagnoses and interven-
tions/procedures in EHRs. The main data sources, as shown in Fig. 3, are
represented by the Italian versions of:
ICD-9-CM (v. 2007), Systematic index of diagnoses and procedures,
considering the codes at themaximum level of specification;
ICD-9-CM (v. 2007), Alphabetic index of diagnoses, and Alphabetic
index of procedures.
For this project, an ontological version of ICD-9-CM has been created
starting from the available ministerial tables of the classification, bringing to
the development of the ICD-9-CM Ontology in OWL.
The lists of terms present in ICD-9-CM, in some cases inappropriate or
outdated jargon, were supplemented with terms taken from other sources such
Ad hoc created glossaries of diagnoses derived from physicians’ scienti-
fic language, developed during a previous project (Cardillo et al. 2018);
A glossary of diagnoses coded in ICD-9-CM extracted from the FVG
Emergency Department (ED) EHRs database;
Rare Diseases terms (Prime Ministers Decree 2017);
Italian MeSH diagnoses and procedures terms (Istituto Superiore di
Sanità n.d.).
All the terms derived from these sources were in most cases already mapped
to the corresponding ICD-9-CM codes and were qualified as exact or approxi-
mate mapping.
Regarding the resource extracted from FVG Emergency Department “SEI
Database”, in the beginning, a list of 425 common pathological conditions in
the ED was proposed by the ED FVG regional working group. On this list,
a further analysis was performed to verify the use of technical/scientific terms
and the correctness of the ICD-9-CM coding associated to these pathological
conditions, bringing in the end to a glossary of 696 diagnoses (2,530 words)
which enriched the SISCO.web KB.
60 Elena Cardillo, Lucilla Frattura
Resources Version N. of Terms
ICD-9-CM systematic index IT- 2007 16,294
ICD-9-CM alphabetical index IT- 2007 289,834
Physicians’ Glossary of diagnoses v. 2017 1,421
Rare Diseases terms v. 2017 683
Emergency physicians’ diagnoses and
pathological conditions (SEI database)
v. 2018 696
MeSH synonyms for diagnoses and
v. 2017 641
Neoplasms related terms v. 2017 13,290
Total 322,859
Table 1: Knowledge Base SISCO.web (Cardillo et. al 2019).
As observable, the total number of terms in the KB, considering the whole
Italian ICD-9-CM resource and the above-mentioned additional resources, is
about 323,000. Its important to note that the entire SISCO.web KB, particu-
larly the data extracted from the SEI dataset, is not publicly accessible.
Regarding the ICD-9-CM Ontology, as said above, we created a proces-
sable version of the Ministerial file published online, since the original .xls
file missed important details about each ICD-9-CM code. This information
includes descriptions, inclusion and exclusion criteria, and notes, which are
crucial for giving coding support based on ICD. To solve this problem, we
developed a script that builds a lightweight ontology in OWL which can also
be used to search for inconsistencies in the ICD-9-CM hierarchy or in the
attributes association. The ontology classes are based on the structure of the
ICD-9-CM systematic index. At the top level, there are two main classes re-
presenting the ICD-9-CM main sections: Diseases and Injuries, and Procedures
and Interventions. Within the Diseases and Injuries section, there are 17 classes
that correspond to the ICD-9-CM “chapters” in this category, along with two
additional classes for supplementary classifications: one for external causes of
injury and poisoning and another for factors influencing health status and contact
with health services.
Each chapter has its own class hierarchy, following the index structure that
includes blocks, categories, subcategories, and subclassifications. To help with
navigation, we labelled chapter classes with chapter numbers (e.g., Chapter
I, Chapter II) and use E and V for the above mentioned additional classes.
Similarly, in the Procedures and Interventions section, each category is organi-
zed under ranges such as the Nervous System Intervention, which covers codes
01-05. Each class/subclass in the ontology connects to the relevant data type
annotations and, when needed, to Object Properties (i.e., relationships betwe-
Assisted morbidity coding 61
en classes) and axioms. Access to the ICD-9-CM Ontology is currently restri-
cted. However, we are planning to make it available on public repositories or
GitHub shortly.
2.2.2. The Text encoding module
The first module is designed for searching the appropriate code for one or
more diagnoses and procedures/interventions mentioned in the patient’s di-
scharge letter. The user enters a diagnosis in the search box using free text, whi-
ch can be a single word or a multi-word term (T1). As the user starts typing,
the system provides suggestions for autocompletion based on the knowledge
base (KB), drawing from systematic or alphabetical indexes, MeSH synonyms,
glossaries of general practitioners or emergency physicians, rare diseases, etc.
These suggestions are the ones that have the entered text as their prefixes. Sub-
sequently, the system conducts a syntactic search on the description of each
attribute associated with ICD-9-CM classes in all types of resources in the KB.
Different weights are assigned to each attribute based on its source and posi-
tion. The search yields a list of ICD classes (diagnoses/procedures) that meet
the search criteria, i.e., one or more attributes containing T1. The results are
displayed in descending order based on their score.
To enhance the search function for the coder, the system permits filtering
of the results in the list. This is achieved by incorporating the terms used in the
query with related terms suggested by the system. These suggestions are based
on their co-occurrence with the searched term within the ICD descriptors. To
be more specific, the descriptions of the resulting ICD classes are tokenized to
extract the most significant words (stop words are not considered). Moreover,
to facilitate the tokenization and subsequent counting of term occurrences,
the following ICD attributes are to be considered:
The main description of the ICD class, along with any supplementary
descriptions and inclusion terms in the systematic index;
The description of the entry terms in the alphabetical index.
The system counts the number of times each token/term appears in the
list of ICD classes resulting from the search. It then arranges the terms in
descending order based on the number of occurrences and presents them to
the user as related terms in a separate box. The user can choose one of the re-
lated terms or continue entering other free text in the search box. The system
provides suggestions for autocompletion as the user enters more terms (T1,
T2, etc.). The result list of ICD codes (diagnoses or procedures, depending on
the user’s initial selection) is updated to consider the search criteria, ensuring
that one or more attributes contain all the input terms (T1, T2, etc.), and
co-occurrences, making the search more precise. A similar approach is used in
62 Elena Cardillo, Lucilla Frattura
the ICD-11 Coding Tool
, which, unlike SISCO.web, allows also to use ICD
chapters and rangesas research filters. From here on the algorithm performs
the same steps, until the user selects a specific diagnosis/procedure among the
ICD classes displayed in the search results which is always a leaf code. Once
the diagnosis/procedure is selected, the system adds it to the list of candidate
diagnoses/procedures used by the decision tree algorithm for identifying the
main condition.
Is worth mentioning that the search and coding algorithm for procedures
follows the same steps as that for diagnoses, but the Knowledge base which
supports the process is smaller. In fact, in the case of procedures, the NLP
algorithm examines only terminological resources related to interventions and
procedures, therefore fewer terms are indexed. Specifically, the search is con-
ducted almost entirely on the classes contained in the systematic index of
ICD-9-CM section procedures, as well as on the procedure terms present in
the ICD-9-CM alphabetical index, and the external resource MeSH.
2.2.3. The Identification of the main diagnosis module
To support physicians in the identification of the main condition, a deci-
sion tree was created to adhere to the WHO guidelines for morbidity coding
in ICD-10 (Zavaroni et al. 2018). This includes following, on one hand, the
WHO ICD-10 rules and guidelines for morbidity coding (WHO 2016)
which are up-to-date compared to ICD-9-CM 2007 rules, and on the other
hand the WHO definition of the main condition, i.e., «the condition, dia-
gnosed at the end of the episode of health care, primarily responsible for the
patient’s need for treatment or investigation» (WHO 2016, 147).
Furthermore, interventions and procedures were also considered in the de-
cision-making process. To manage the extensive array of ICD codes (about
5,000), they were grouped into three sets:
1. relevant surgery”: encompassing interventions or procedures typical-
ly requiring an operating room, or those with resource consumption
comparable to operating room costs;
2. selected non-relevant surgical interventions”: encompassing interven-
tions or procedures, other than relevant surgery, that require significant
resources, mostly higher than a non-surgical treatment of a condition;
ICD-11 Coding tool is used to find the correct ICD-11 code for a specific diagnosis
and it is connected to the ICD-11 browser to allow user to see further details for a searched
diagnosis. It is available at (WHO 2024).
This guideline has been updated during the publication of the sixth edition of ICD-10
in 2019 and later with the publication of ICD-11 release.
Assisted morbidity coding 63
3. residual non-relevant surgical interventions”: encompassing interven-
tions or procedures that necessitate fewer resources than non-surgical
Conditions were categorized into “conditions” (including diseases and cli-
nical manifestations or normal physiological changes) and “pathological con-
ditions” (abnormal anatomy or functioning constituting diseases).
The decision tree hierarchy includes: i) specific hospital settings which are
highly specialized by age and changes of particular conditions, such as “ne-
onatology” and “pregnancy, delivery, and puerperium”, foreseen specific or
partially specific paths; ii) paths for the other hospital settings, according to
the general rules and, iii) the interventions/procedures set. Notably, the third
group of interventions/procedures mentioned above is excluded as a viable
option for identifying the main condition.
In Summary, the coding of certain health conditions is driven by the con-
dition itself (pregnancy and related conditions, neonatal health), whereas for
others, resource consumption due to procedures is the primary determinant.
Thus, when a relevant intervention/surgery is identified, it influences the
choice of the targeted condition. The decision tree rules are integrated into
the rule engine module of the SISCO.web service.
The algorithm which determines the main condition, uses a Drools-ba-
sed rule engine. Drools is an open-source Business rule management system
(BRMS), released under the Apache License 2.0., that can easily be embedded
in any Java application, which include an inference engine based on forward
and backward chaining (Proctor 2012). The primary function of the Drools
rule engine is to match incoming data, (i.e., facts), to the conditions outlined
in the rules. It then determines whether and how to execute these rules. Key
components in Drools are the following: rules; facts that are matched against
the conditions of the rules to execute the applicable ones; a production memory
(i.e., where the rules are kept); a working memory (i.e., location for the facts)
In our implementation, the system consists of four components, developed
in Java, and utilizes the RabbitMQ message broker (see Fig. 4). The primary
component is the SISCO Drools Engine, serving as a wrapper for the Drools
engine. It takes input data that triggers the execution of one or more rules
down to a node, corresponding to a decision (leaf node), or the generation
of a request for other parameters. The modules exchange messages in JSON
format. On the web server side, the SISCO Rules Web Service component
implements a servlet for dynamically creating content based on the interaction
with the engine invoked by the main page of the SISCO.web system. The
More details on the Drools key components can be found at Red Hat, Inc., Drools rule
engine. Full documentation section (Drools n.d.).
64 Elena Cardillo, Lucilla Frattura
SISCO Rules Data Receiver and the SISCO Rule Data Sender components,
finally, act as interfaces with the message broker, transforming the asynchro-
nous communication with the broker into the classic synchronous request/
response client/web server communication.
The decision tree represents knowledge in the form of “if P then Q” rules.
In the decision tree diagram, non-leaf nodes have two outgoing arcs: YES and
NO. The rules defined for each node determine the selection of the outgoing
arc and, consequently, the next computed node, based on terminological co-
des and user responses to the engine. The rules defined on two arcs from the
same node are mutually exclusive to ensure the paths clarity. The decision
algorithm takes two ICD-9-CM code lists as input: Pathological conditions
(PC) and Procedures and Interventions (PI). The selection of the outgoing arc
can be determined in two ways: automatically, based on the KB terminology
codes feeding the engine, or decided by the user if no knowledge is available
in the KB. If the rule engine is unable to ascertain the fulfilment of a rule
based on incoming terminological codes, or when a decision necessitates the
clinician judgment (e.g., Are the pathological conditions related to each other?),
the engine will prompt user intervention by formulating a question within the
web interface. This question may seek a binary YES/NO response (e.g., Has
it caused complications?) or the selection of one or more terminological codes
(e.g., Identify the most complex event). Subsequently, the engine will generate a
JSON message encompassing all requisite details for presenting the question,
including the query text, answer type (binary or selection of codes), and per-
missible response values (e.g., YES/NO, TRUE/FALSE, or specific codes).
Figure 4: The Rules Engine Component Diagram.
Assisted morbidity coding 65
In this way, the WUI content is automatically created by the browser, ge-
nerating fields based on the answer type. For example, radio buttons are used
for exclusive choices and check buttons for multiple choices. Fig. 4 shows two
Drools rules for states 18 and 19 in the decision tree diagram. The “S18_ask
rule prompts the user to indicate one or more pathologies not related to the
intervention. The “S19_true” rule manages the arrival of the response and
determines the next transition from state 19 (“is it a single pathological con-
dition?”) based on whether the user has selected one or more codes among the
relevant conditions. The result of the rule execution is reaching a leaf node
associated with one or more codes suggested for the main pathological condi-
tion, which is then displayed in the SISCO.web interface.
Figure 5: Drools S18-S19 rules example.
3. Evaluation
After an internal test conducted by the projects informaticians and termi-
nologists, a more detailed usability test was performed by three physicians:
This evaluation employed a subset of pathological conditions extracted from
the SEI database mentioned in Section 2, along with diseases and interven-
tions drawn from several anonymized patient discharge letters. These LDO
contained multiple diagnosis and interventions/procedures, particularly fo-
cusing on complex cases characterized by comorbidities and intricate diag-
66 Elena Cardillo, Lucilla Frattura
nostic definitions. The aim was to assess the tool’s effectiveness in suggesting
appropriate codes, required for completing the SDO. At this stage, the eval-
uation was more qualitative than quantitative, as the physicians were unable
to access an LDO/SDO database for the project. Nonetheless, initial results
indicate that the system performed well, successfully suggesting the most ap-
propriate ICD-9-CM diagnosis even in instances where the input text in the
search box of the TEM module was complex or included comorbidities. On
average, SISCO.web provided precise ICD-9-CM code suggestions for 80%
of 30 use cases tested by physicians, with improved accuracy when using the
related terms feature. An example of diagnosis coding (in this case “diabe-
tes”) is given in Fig. 6. Here, when a user types “diabete” (diabetes) into the
search box, the system auto-completes with suggestions like “diabete-nanis-
mo-obesità” (diabetes-nanism-obesity) and “pre-diabete” (prediabetes). After
selecting “diabete”, the system displays matching classes in the search results
section (considering all the attributes associated to the class, such as title, other
description, inclusions, exclusions, alphabetic index terms, etc.), ordered by
score. It also suggests related terms (on the left of the page) that co-occur with
diabete” in the ICD-9-CM descriptors. The user can then select a related
term like “mellito” (mellitus), prompting the system to refine results based on
both selected terms.
At each iteration, the system displays matching classes and related co-oc-
curring terms based on user input. The search progressively narrows down
until the user identifies and selects the correct ICD-9-CM class, which is then
added to the “Selected Diagnoses” section at the bottom left of the page. Be-
fore selecting the proper code, for each code in the results list, the user can
view code details (displayed if present on the right of the page and represented
by symbols), including:
Leaf nodes: Indicates to select a leaf code from the list presented, being
the selected code not a leaf code;
Exclusion criteria: Lists conditions excluded by that ICD-9-CM class;
Basic diseases attribute: Advises coding a basic disease before using the
selected code;
Use additional codes: Recommends additional codes relevant to the se-
lected class.
These features resulted helpful for avoiding inconsistencies, providing aler-
ts to key ICD-9-CM coding rules, such as the necessity of coding a basic
disease first or using leaf codes instead of general three-digit diagnosis codes
(unknown rule by professionals or, in some cases, taken for granted).
Assisted morbidity coding 67
Figure 6: SISCO.web Interface: An example of coding for “diabetes mellitus” diagnosis.
Not completely known is also the need for the combined use of ICD-
9-CM alphabetical and systematic indexes (both part of the KB) to extend
knowledge about a code, providing references to additional codes related to
the selected one, etc. Another useful feature of the TEM module was consi-
dered the possibility to show, starting from an ICD-9-CM class in the search
results, the hierarchy of the classes, derived from the ICD-9-CM ontology,
including all the details for each code.
Regarding the second module focused on the identification of the main
condition (IMCM) the WUI, illustrated in Fig. 7, consists of three main
sections: the upper section displays the two lists of codes (for diagnoses and
procedures) selected by the user in the TEM module; the central section in-
teracts with the user during the decision tree process, and the lower section
reveals the main diagnosis once it has been identified.
When the user opens the module page, he will see two lists of codes at the
top and a progress bar further down. At this point, the backend navigates
the decision tree until it hits the first node that requires user input. At this
stage, the rule engine requests the user input the necessary parameters to con-
tinue the navigation of the tree. These may include, for instance, the “most
resource-consuming pathological condition during hospitalization” among
the coded diagnoses (in case of multiple diagnoses). The user then selects one
from a combo box, thereby entering the required parameter into the module.
Subsequently, the rule engine resumes the path of the tree until the final node
is reached, i.e., the identification of the main condition, which is finally di-
splayed to the user for confirmation via a dedicated button. The central part
of the page displays only a partial representation of the decision tree structu-
re, including nodes requiring manual input, and the final three stages. This
68 Elena Cardillo, Lucilla Frattura
should help the user understand the operations performed by the rule engine
to determine the main diagnosis.
Nevertheless, the system can autonomously perform certain steps in the
decision tree, utilizing previously provided information, the formalized coding
rules, and inferences derived from the KB.
Furthermore, the WUI provides a button that cancels the rule engine ope-
rations and returns to the text encoding module WUI.
Figure 7: SISCO.web Interface: Rule engine support to identify the main condition.
The SISCO.web system was tested both in terms of the usability and effi-
ciency of the search algorithms, by the doctors involved in the project, and in
terms of functionality and performance, by the team of computer experts and
terminologists who developed the service. The test highlighted that the search
results for ICD-9-CM diagnoses obtained using the mentioned algorithms are
substantially superimposable. However, it is noted that:
The weights assigned to the various ICD-9-CM attributes associated
with each ICD class in the search results appear inconsistent concer-
ning the relationship between the importance of the various resources
present in the KB and the recurrence of the terms (roots);
Hierarchical algorithm guarantees greater appropriateness in the se-
lection of ICD-9-CM categories since it maintains the relationship of
importance between the resources present in the KB even in the event
of their enrichment.
Hence, it was necessary to refine the weights assigned to the various attri-
to guarantee appropriateness in the selection of ICD-9-CM categories
In particular, weights ranges from 0 to 10: the main description of the ICD class in
the systematic index was still considered the most important with weight 10, the additional
terms of the ICD class title have weight 7,5; inclusion terms have weight 2,5; alphabetical
index “entry term” has weight 2,5, while its indentations (from the first to the sixth one) were
assigned weight 0,1; neoplasm entry term in the alphabetic were assigned weight 2,5, and
Assisted morbidity coding 69
even in the event of moving KB resources from one step to another. The steps
of the algorithm implemented for the coding activity of a diagnosis were con-
The test revealed issues in the identification of the diagnosis module, which
is almost related to the formalization and computerization of the decision tree,
particularly for some steps of the tree where the physicians input is necessary.
This is especially true when the physician selects multiple interventions, as its
crucial, at a certain point of the process to indicate the relevance of each one.
The decision tree is not fully computerized in terms of additional resources
for automating certain steps (as it can be for example alist of relevant inter-
ventions aligned to anatomical sites or mapped to diagnosis categories, which
although available in pdf, is still under elaboration for the integration into the
rule engine) and allowing the physician to select multiple options. Currently,
the computerized decision tree enables the physician to identify the main pa-
thological condition by answering a series of YES/NO questions.
4. Related works
Different coding support systems have been developed in the last two de-
cades. Some of them aimed to support the coding of causes of death, gener-
ally coded using ICD-10. Examples of these tools are MICAR-ACME, of the
US National Center for Health Statistics (Israel 1990), and the IRIS system
developed by a European consortium (Pavillon et al. 2007). The main issue
encountered in these systems is the processing of natural language, which,
in the last twenty years has been faced with developing automated coding
tools based on NLP algorithms (Friedman et al. 2004). Only afew systems
were based on properly defined coding rules, as done by (Farkas and Szarvas
2008) and (Cardillo et al. 2018), both focused on the ICD-9-CM coding.
In recent years, challenges have been encountered, from the perspective of
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and NLP, based on the literature. Many researchers
and companies started applying more sophisticated methods such as Neural
Networks or Large Language Models (LLM) to enable EHR data coding (Rios
and Kavuluru 2018). This trend is confirmed also by the results of the CLEF
ICD10 task
, held in 2020, focused on ICD-10 coding for clinical textual
data in Spanish and including, in particular, two subtasks for evaluating sys-
tems that predict ICD-10-CM (diagnostic) and ICD-10-PCS (procedural)
codes using the Spanish CodiEsp corpus. Here most of the participants used
Machine learning approaches and deep learning language models (prefer-
indentations had 0,1, which is also the weight assigned to the main description of diagnoses /
procedures derived from the other glossaries in the KB.
CLEF eHealth 2020 – Task 1: Multilingual Information Extraction (CLEF eHealth Lab
Series n.d.).
70 Elena Cardillo, Lucilla Frattura
ring fine-tuned Multilingual BERT), but the highest mean average precision
(MAP) for the prediction of ICD-10 diagnostic codes (0.593) resulted by
the combination of a XGBoost classifier and a Jaro Winkler string matching
system (Miranda-Escalada et al. 2020). Other studies focused on the applica-
tion of general-purpose LLMs (e.g., ChatGPT 3.5/4, LLAMA, etc.) to test
their performances in the task of automated coding of diagnoses extracted
from Discharge summaries by using ICD-10. Nevertheless, gaps between the
current deep learning-based approach applied to clinical coding and the need
for explainability and consistency in real-world practice were reported (Dong
et al. 2022). Some studies indicate alternative methods or frameworks specif-
ically designed for automatic ICD coding. For example (Chao-Wei Huang
2022) used apre-trained language model for ICD coding, sharing a similar
idea with BERT-XML, an extension of BERT designed for ICD coding. This
model was pre-trained on a large collection of EHR clinical notes using an
EHR-specific vocabulary (Zhang et al. 2020). Additionally, (Kim and Gana-
pathi 2021) introduced the Read, Attend, and Code (RAC) framework for
accurate ICD code prediction. Another approach involved the use of off-the-
shelf pre-trained generative LLMs to perform ICD coding, without labelled
training examples and leveraging the hierarchical nature of the ICD ontolo-
gy, thus relying on dynamic searches for clinical entities within the ontology
(Boyle et al. 2023).
It is worth observing in this context the lack of available datasets for ICD
coding to train AI-based models, especially in some languages, such as Italian.
Few approaches show how to mitigate this issue. In (Almagro et al. 2019) a
cross-lingual approach based on Machine Translation methods is proposed
to code death certificates with ICD-10 through supervised learning. In brief,
they tried to code Italian death certificates using certificates from another lan-
guage (French), so combining collections of different languages to increase the
availability of coded documents. Improvements in the system performance
here were observed for codes assigned to labels with few occurrences. Silvestri
et al. (2020) conducted a study on cross-lingual XLM fine-tuning aimed at
predicting and classifying ICD-10 codes. A preliminary evaluation of a model
fine-tuned on short medical notes written in English using an Italian test set
was provided, but results indicated the need for further experiments to in-
crease the number of samples in the test set, to better assess the models ability
to generalize.
A more recent overview on the topic is provided by the study conducted by
the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York revealed significant
shortcomings in the performance of LLMs in clinical coding. The analysis
showed that the existing models, including the highest-performing GPT-4,
achieved less than 50% accuracy in matching medical codes to clinical texts.
Such inaccuracies can result in serious billing errors and compliance issues
Assisted morbidity coding 71
within healthcare systems. The study also highlighted varying performance
levels among different LLMs, posing challenges in clinical environments
where precise coding is essential for billing and ensuring accurate patient care
(Soroush et al. 2024).
These results emphasize the need for refinement and validation of these
technologies before considering clinical implementation, thus providing cus-
tomized AI tools specifically designed for medical coding, instead of using
general-purpose LLMs.
Given this overview, we can state that SISCO.web performances are com-
parable with most of the mentioned systems. Unlike existing systems and the
most recent AI-based coding support, SISCO.web offers dual support. Firstly,
it helps in finding the appropriate ICD-9-CM (or in the future ICD-10) code
for a diagnosis or procedure by utilizing NLP techniques combined with the
application of trustworthy coding rules, which are necessary to know when
dealing with the selected classification system. Secondly, it assists in identify-
ing the main diagnosis (the most serious and/or resource-intensive during hos-
pitalization or the inpatient encounter) among multiple diagnoses, which is
often a challenging and underestimated task. The advantages of this approach
also stem from the integration of decision tree algorithms, which expand the
systems functionalities.
5. Conclusions and future directions
This paper shows the approach used to develop a web service aimed at
supporting physicians in the compilation of the SDO, while coding the main
condition, secondary pathologies, procedures and interventions in ICD-9-CM
and, where necessary, in ICD-10. The system also proposes a module based
on a series of formal rules that represent a decision tree specifically designed
for identifying the main pathological condition, which needs to be indicated
and coded in a separate field in SDO. The evaluation of the TEM module,
allowing for the search and suggestion of ICD-9-CM coding for diseases and
procedures, has reached good performances in terms of theaccuracy of the
coding suggestions, theefficiency of the system, and regarding the usability
of the system. Differently, some limitations are highlighted concerning the
rule engine module, which allows, through a series of steps and interactions
with the user, the identification of the main diagnosis. In this case, the ini-
tial formalization of the rules provided by the decision tree did not yield the
expected results. It has therefore become necessary to update the rules and,
above all, to make available ad hoc terminological resources to be submitted
to the rule engine to automate some steps of the decision tree, thus ensuring
the required performance compared to other support systems available in the
literature. Considering that ICD-9-CM is currently mandatory in Italy for
72 Elena Cardillo, Lucilla Frattura
coding diagnosis into SDO, the prototype and tests of SISCO.web uses this
ICD version to be used in hospital coding. Nevertheless, the system has been
designed to work using also ICD-10, including a decision tree specifically
set for ICD-10 for identifying the main diagnosis. This possibility, recently,
resulted advantageously since, as mentioned in Section 1, the Italian Ministry
of Health, to be aligned to European guidelines on cross-boarding care, is wor-
king on a roadmap to shift from ICD-9-CM to ICD-10-IM for the coding
of morbidities in SDO, leveraging the results of the It.DRG project. For this
reason, future work will be the extension of the system, in terms of integration
of the KB with the Italian version of ICD-10 (the mentioned ICD-10-IM)
and the necessary crosswalking tables as well as the implementation of the alre-
ady defined ICD-10-based decision tree in the rule engine. At the same time,
it will be possible to set up versions of this support system able to manage
classifications of interventions other than those used in Italy. Another possible
future work is the development of aJavaScript library to distribute the service
to interested parties and test it on a large scale (i.e., some hospital wards). As
observed in Section 4, automated clinical coding holds promise for AI despite
the technical and organizational challenges, but coders need to be involved in
the development process, as done in the present work. Given this understan-
ding, it can be argued that SISCO.web could serve as a good compromise,
particularly if focusing on a new research direction that could be pursued over
the next five years. This would involve improving the approach using LLMs
+ Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) to enhance both the text enco-
ding module and the implementation of the decision tree in the rule engine.
Another possible future work could be to use a complementary approach for
the analysis, through NLP/DL, of the diagnostic sections of hospital dischar-
ge letters (LDOs in Italy), which are very detailed reports. In our use case, a
sample of these documents was used to test the performances of SISCO.web
in terms of capacity to support coding for complex search records (e.g., co-
morbidities, very detailed diagnoses, etc.). In the future, it would be valuable
to explore the possibility of providing coding support while registering LDOs
data, particularly in the diagnostic section.
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ISBN 979-12-5965-456-4 ISSN 1121-0095
AIDAinformazioni Anno 42 – N. 3-4 – luglio-dicembre 2024
Rivista semestrale di Scienze dell’Informazione
Anno 42
N. 3-4 – luglio-dicembre 2024
A A
Il nuovo regolamento eIDAS e alcune “quisquilie
F B, MT
Exploration du réseau numérique YouTube
autour de la santé des militaires: quelles sont les
thématiques des discours, les sources d’informations
et les acteurs de la communication?
E C, L F
Assisted morbidity coding: the SISCO.web
use case for identifying the main diagnosis in
Hospital Discharge Records
V F
A humanistic approach to datafication
R P
Testimonianze di un impegno culturale per
l’Università di Salerno. Le carte di Alfonso
F S, A B,
E G, S M
CompL-it: a Computational Lexicon of Italian
C G
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