Politiche e innovazione socio istituzionale

L’esperienza del Piano strategico Cosenza–Rende


  • Maria Mirabelli Università della Calabria, Dipartimento di Lingue e Scienze dell'Educazione, Rende (CS).

Parole chiave:

Strategic plan, Governance, Communication, Integration, Innovation


The paper analyzes the ways and strategies of implementation of the strategic plan Cosenza–Rende. The aim is to underline the role of local actors as well as their abilities in building relations and networks implementing processes based on cooperation and concertation practices. In particular, attention is given to strategies directly oriented to introduce, within the analyzed context, relevant innovations in the management of processes and organization of public administrations. The strategic plan is a process that involve different people with the aim of identifying the future vision of the city, starting from representations, priorities and questions expressed by local actors. In this view it is particular important the dimension of communication as well as knowledge circulation. The effective participation and involvement of the actors in decision making processes require an intense communication activity which is fundamental due to it deeply influences the real meaning and contents of planning. In addition, other than supporting the dialog among the actors, sharing information also represents the basis for the projects’ integration.






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