Les activités informationnelles des professionnels de santé : état de l’art dans une perspective interdisciplinaire et internationale


  • Marcin Trzmielewski Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3

Parole chiave:

Healthcare professionals, Information activities, Information seeking, Medical information, Context


The present article focuses on a review of the researches performed on healthcare professionals’ information activities. The analysis of 58 published works shows that this subject, investigated since 1930is still evolutive, while being at the same a global matter of an interdisciplinary interest. Specialists in information, library and communication sciences, and
in medicine, from the United States, France and Scandinavian countries have strongly investigated this subject, especially since 2000, by relying on different aims, contexts, conceptual frameworks, and methodologies. Therefore, study protocols are extremely various, and a real generalization of obtained results seems to be difficult to reach. Nevertheless, the results of the different researches commonly reveal that information activities are inseparable from the work of health professionals. These actors act within various informational and socio-organizational environments, that shape and significantly impact their work and their information activities.

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