La sanità digitale in Europa


  • Erika Pasceri Dipartimento di Culture, Educazione e Società, Università della Calabria, Rende, Italia
  • Antonietta Folino Dipartimento di Culture, Educazione e Società, Università della Calabria, Rende, Italia

Parole chiave:

E–health, Cross–border care, Electronic Health Records, Public Health


The study presented is a preliminary analysis of the state of the art in some European countries in the e–health domain. The focus of the analysis is on document management, their digital preservation and the use of coding systems. Each country has initiated a slow digitalization process aimed at guaranteeing data security and protection in the interoperability process for cross–border care, starting from the definition of the minimum contents and characteristics of clinical documentation, so that the information contained therein could be used and shared with health professionals even outside of their State of residence. As analyzed, despite the fact that the general scenario shows heterogeneous and different results, what has emerged is that although European countries have started the healthcare digitization process, the original paper–based approach persists. 






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