AIDAinformazioni <p><em><strong>AIDAinformazioni: Rivista di Scienze dell’Informazione</strong></em> è una rivista scientifica peer-reviewed di Scienze dell’Informazione e della Documentazione.</p> <p>AIDAinformazioni: Rivista di Scienze dell’Informazione è stata inserita da ANVUR, l’Agenzia Nazionale di Valutazione del sistema Universitario e della Ricerca, nella lista delle <strong>riviste di “Classe A”</strong>.</p> Cacucci Editore it-IT AIDAinformazioni 1121-0095 Per una rigenerazione teorica dell’archivistica in Italia, a partire dal concetto di documento <p>Il mettere in discussione la tradizionale distinzione tra nozione giuridica del documento e sua nozione archivistica apre a nuovi orizzonti di indagine. Così emerge una nuova possibile definizione del documento, considerato nella fase attiva del suo ciclo di vita: non più come manifestazione di una generica attività pratica, ma più specificatamente come rappresentazione che persegue obiettivi performativi sulla realtà sociale e che riesce in questo intento adattandosi a precisi criteri strutturali, legati a norme giuridiche, che in alcuni casi risultano più astratte a causa della loro natura legislativa, mentre in altri casi appaiono più specifiche e di origine consuetudinario. Questa prospettiva “tridimensionale” del documento – intersezione tra realtà sociale, diritto e dimensione strutturale – spinge la dottrina archivistica verso una serie di promettenti linee di ricerca, utili alla sua rigenerazione teorica, che a sua volta è urgente per superare la visione della gestione documentale come “vuoto simulacro”.</p> Alessandro Alfier Copyright (c) 2023 Cacucci Editore 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 3-4 9 26 Étude des informations relayées par les médias de presse et sociaux concernant les agents biologiques et chimiques militarisables, dans le conflit russo-ukrainien <p>Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 provoked the largest war in Europe since World War II, raising the risk of use of weapons of mass destruction. The objective of this study is to identify, based on lexicometric and descriptive analyzes of a corpus of data from press and social media, the main actors in communication around this issue from its outbreak until to April 2022. This study also presents the spatial and temporal distribution of the information retained. The methodological approach used here is of interest both in public health and in CIS. Few associated works in fact, both analyzes on social media and press media concerning health issues.</p> Marc Tanti Camille Arsel Copyright (c) 2023 Cacucci Editore 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 3-4 27 44 Lo standard FHIR e il Fascicolo Sanitario 2.0 <p>FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resource) is a standard developed by HL7 (Health Level 7) International to represent health data, through data structures called “resources”. The use of this standard is considered the most suitable choice to overcome the<br>current limitations of the Italian EHR (Electronic Health Record). In compliance with the Italian regulations, new technical specifications are gradually issued by competent authorities to facilitate the population of EHRs with both digital native and converted data in FHIR. This work describes the analysis carried out to propose a FHIR Implementation Guide for the “Taccuino”, which provides a number of functions typically included in a PHR (Personal Health Record), because it is a section of the EHR where data are directly stored by the patient. This makes it possible to i) populate this section with a syntactically and semantically homogeneous content and ii) create an increasingly patient-centred healthcare.</p> Mario Ciampi Erika Pasceri Grazia Serratore Copyright (c) 2023 Cacucci Editore 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 3-4 45 58 Il Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum dall’analogico al digitale <p>Il saggio riassume la storia del Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum (CIL) dai primi momenti sotto il coordinamento di Theodor Mommsen fino a oggi. Si concentra in particolare sulla digitalizzazione dei volumi pubblicati fino al 1940 e non coperti da copyright, che possono essere consultati liberamente nel database del Deutsches Archäologisches Institut La transizione del CIL nell'ambiente digitale è focalizzata nel contesto delle attuali politiche e metodologie sviluppate nel campo delle digital humanities che hanno generato le più recenti e importanti banche dati relative alle fonti archeologiche ed epigrafiche. In particolare, viene citato EAGLE (Europeana Network of Ancient Greek and Latin Epigraphy), un portale ad accesso libero per l'epigrafia antica. Si tratta di una rete di buone pratiche cofinanziata dalla Commissione europea, nell'ambito del programma di sostegno alla politica delle tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione.</p> Eleonora De Longis Copyright (c) 2023 Cacucci Editore 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 3-4 59 74 Per una Carta dei servizi nel contesto bibliotecario italiano: il caso del CNR <p>Starting from a complexed reality such as the National Research Council (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, CNR), even the Library System, not yet officially constituted, suffers from a rather stratified structure. Regarding this complexity, the attempt of this contribution is to present a prototype of a unified Service Charter, reflecting the needs of all the Libraries’ types in the network.</p> Isabella Florio Giorgia Migliorelli Sara Santorsa Copyright (c) 2023 Cacucci Editore 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 3-4 75 94 La digitalizzazione come strumento per acquisire informazioni: l’U.P.P. e la certificazione di processo <p>In 2021 thanks to the National Plan of Resistance and Resilience (PNRR), the establishment of the trial office (UPP), already legally regulated since 2014, undergoes a strong increase towards the strengthening of digital infrastructures and specifically towards the digitization of pending judicial folders in order to guarantee the so-called “reasonable length of trial”. In the same years (2021-2022) the Guidelines for the formation, management and preservation of digital documents are issued by the Agenzia per l’Italia Digitale (AgID) which promote the use of good practices to improve the administration of document work-flows, including the so-called process certification (Annex 3 to the Guidelines). This practice combined with that of dematerialization and potentially with that of OCR could bring numerous benefits including the expansion of the wealth of data and information present in analogical legal documents in order to populate sector databases.</p> Eleonora Luzi Copyright (c) 2023 Cacucci Editore 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 3-4 95 118 Dall’esperienza alla memoria. La formazione e la conservazione del carteggio dell’Arma dei Carabinieri riferito al primo conflitto mondiale <p>The documentary collection of the Carabinieri related to WW1 can be divided into some main categories, such as the correspondence of the Mobilisation Office of the Carabinieri<br />General Headquarters, the reports of the Carabinieri Commanders deployed alongside the Army Commands at the frontline and the Military Historical Diaries compiled by the mobilised units, plus a photographic documentation and personal archives. The individuation of the subjects who produced those documents is of the highest importance for a proper understanding of this collection, which has been housed in the Historical Archive of the Carabinieri Historical Museum, at the end of the 1930s. The reconstitution – albeit virtual – of the original arrangement of this peculiar documentary heritage represents the starting point of a project aimed at the creation of a digital archive, consultable online, which will make it possible to appreciate the Carabinieri in its entirety and therefore in its identity values.</p> Francesca Parisi Copyright (c) 2023 Cacucci Editore 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 3-4 119 144 Estrazione della conoscenza, progetti di ricerca e gestione documentale <p>Archives play an important role in the knowledge society and must respond ever more quickly to information needs. For example, in the case of universities, research projects are a strategic asset for the growth of territories, the rationalization of financial resources and the development of archival science. Clearly, the documentation that characterizes the research projects has an administrative value as well. This paper, investigates the possibility of extracting knowledge from this class of documents. In particular, the purpose of this paper is to experiment with the application of some automatic metadata extraction tools on archival documents. An approach of metadata automatic extraction could provide a greater continuity between production and representation of objects. Metadata can be useful in accessing or sharing contents within digital preservation systems (i.e. ontologies, Linked Data). The chosen tools use Machine Learning technologies and supervised learning techniques together with newer Deep Learning technologies.</p> Anna Rovella Assunta Caruso Martin Critelli Francesca Messiniti Copyright (c) 2023 Cacucci Editore 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 3-4 145 156 Les activités informationnelles des professionnels de santé : état de l’art dans une perspective interdisciplinaire et internationale <p>The present article focuses on a review of the researches performed on healthcare professionals’ information activities. The analysis of 58 published works shows that this subject, investigated since 1930is still evolutive, while being at the same a global matter of an interdisciplinary interest. Specialists in information, library and communication sciences, and<br />in medicine, from the United States, France and Scandinavian countries have strongly investigated this subject, especially since 2000, by relying on different aims, contexts, conceptual frameworks, and methodologies. Therefore, study protocols are extremely various, and a real generalization of obtained results seems to be difficult to reach. Nevertheless, the results of the different researches commonly reveal that information activities are inseparable from the work of health professionals. These actors act within various informational and socio-organizational environments, that shape and significantly impact their work and their information activities.</p> Marcin Trzmielewski Copyright (c) 2023 Cacucci Editore 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 3-4 157 178 Le evoluzioni delle applicazioni di IA nel campo linguistico Claudio Grimaldi Copyright (c) 2023 Cacucci Editore 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 3-4 181 184 La valutazione delle fonti documentali Roberto Guarasci Copyright (c) 2024 Cacucci Editore 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 3-4 185 186