From Lucien Tesnière’s Eléments de syntaxe structurale to Universal Dependencies.
Terminological paths
Lucien Tesnière, Terminology, Structural syntax, Computational linguistics, Universal DependenciesAbstract
Éléments de syntaxe structural, ess,(1959)—a valency grammar volume written by Lucien Tesnière — was largely ignored in the second half of the 20th century, but his powerful ideas are the root of several concepts in today’s computational linguistics and Natural Language Processing (nlp) practices. In this work, we will focus on the metalanguage of ess, on its aim and terminological choices, highlighting the key–role of metaphors. We will then provide three examples of Tesnière’s concepts in French (stemma, node, mot plein/vide) that are nowadays widely applied to nlp, specifically in the Universal Dependencies project, which provides cross–linguistically consistent grammatical annotation for over ninety languages.