CompL-it: a Computational Lexicon of Italian
Computational Lexicon, Linguistic Resources, Linguistic Linked Open Data, OntoLex-Lemon, Information RetrievalAbstract
This paper describes CompL-it, a new open computational lexicon for contemporary Italian. The resource was constructed from three sources: an already available Italian lexicon, a lemmatized list of inflected forms obtained from a morphological analyzer, and a set of treebanks. Integrating these resources required a standardisation process in accordance with the standards of the Linguistic Linked Open Data community, which was necessary for the subsequent conversion into the OntoLex-Lemon model. The resulting computational lexicon comprises approximately 100,000 lexical entries, 790,000 forms, 57,000 senses, and 86,000 semantic relations. The lexicon, thanks to its rich and articulated linguistic structure, can be used, as shown, to enhance information retrieval in the context of full-text search tasks.
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