Le Risorse Linguistiche nell’era del Web Semantico
Un insieme di servizi informatici per la gestione di lessici e terminologie
Parole chiave:
Semantic Web, Lexicography, Terminology, OntoLex-LemonAbstract
The application of digital technologies in lexicography and terminology is becoming increasingly pervasive. The Semantic Web offers a great potential for representing data in order to process it, understand its meaning, and share it across different scientific communities. In this area scientific communities defined computational models for the representation of linguistic data together with best practices for their use. However, applications for managing this data in the context of the Semantic Web, are a few. This paper fills this gap by presenting a set of web services that are general enough to be used as a basis for the development of task-oriented lexicography and terminology applications, such as editing, data visualization, querying, and using for linguistic/conceptual full-text searches. The final part of the contribution will describe some use cases of the presented services.
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